The pie charts below compare the proportion of energy capacity in gigawatts (GW) in 2012 with predictions for 2030.
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant.
Sample Answer:
Overall, fossil fuel was by far the biggest energy sector while it was “flexible capacity” that made up the smallest amount in 2012. These two energy sources will remain on two opposite ends of the spectrum though the share of the former will have fallen significantly by 2030. It is also worth noting that the total energy production is expected to double in the future.
Focusing on non-renewable sources of energy first, the proportion of energy produced by fossil fuel constituted roughly two-thirds in 2012, yet it is predicted that it will fall by 20% 28 years later. Nuclear energy, which accounted for 6% of the total energy capacity, will also have shrunk slightly. In contrast, the figure for flexible capacity is set to double, making up 2% in 2030.
Non-renewable energy sources, on the other hand, are generally expected to grow in use. The most noticeable change will be in solar power generation, with a nine-fold increase from a mere 2% in 2012. Similarly, nearly twice as much energy will be produced from wind in 2030 as it was in 2012, with respective figures being 5% and 12%. By contrast, the figure for other renewables will have experienced a negligible drop of 3% by 2030 from just over a fifth in the first year. Finally, total energy produced will increase twofold, hitting 10.569 GW.
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