The tendency of human beings to copy one another is shown in the popularity of areas such as fashion and consumer goods.

Writing Task 2: The tendency of human beings to copy one another...

Writing Task 2 The tendency of human beings to copy one another is shown in the popularity of areas such as fashion and consumer goods....

Writing Task 2: Shorter Work Week: Benefits for Workers (C.19)

You have approximately 40 minutes to complete this task.   You need to write an essay addressing the topic below: The working week should be shorter...

Table #8 : The information and predictions regarding the change in...

Task 01: Table The table below shows information and predictions regarding the change in percentage of population aged 65 and above in three countries. Sample Answer...

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Describe your favorite weather  (Part 2 /3)

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IELTS Listening Practice Test 26 – Full Answer

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IELTS Listening Practice Test 25 – Full Answer

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