- technical problem: a problem involving the way a machine or system works
- be a big deal: to be a thing considered important.
- jealousy: the state or feeling of being jealous.
- centre of attention: a person or thing that excites everyone’s interest or concern
- flat broke: be completely out of money
- throw a party: hold/ organise a party
- give a farewell party: throw a party for someone who is leaving a job, city, etc
- wolf something down: eat something very rapidly and in very large pieces
- scrumptious: delicious
- to come of age: to reach the age when you are legally considered to be an adult.
- attach importance to: believe that something is important
- take pride in: To take satisfaction in, be proud of, or highly value something one owns, has done, or is renowned for
- end up: to reach a particular place or achieve a situation after other activities
- on second thoughts: Having reconsidered or revised one’s opinion of something
- be taken by surprise: to be shocked or startled by someone or something
- be taken aback: to be shocked or startled by someone or something
- make one’s way to somewhere: walk or travel to somewhere
- turn out: to happen in a particular way or to have a particular result, especially an unexpected one
- a sense of accomplishment: a proud feeling of having done something difficult and worthwhile
- for a while: for some time
- fresh in one’s memory: remember clearly
- pull all-nighters: to be awake all night long, especially to study or to complete something
- on edge: nervous or worried
- in hindsight: looking backward, reflecting on the past
- To get the most out of something: to achieve the greatest output of work, effort, production, etc., out of someone or something
- While-collar workers: people who work in offices, doing work that needs mental rather than physical effort
- Adjacent to: next to or adjoining something else
- To boil with rage: To express or feel an intensive anger
- take up: start doing something
- to be up to my ears in: extremely busy
- have a crack at something: attempt to do something
- sedentary lifestyle: spend a lot of time sitting down
- get lean: have very little or no fat
- Laze around: to spend a period of time being lazy
- Catch up on: learn about something that one missed
- Binge-watch: to watch several episodes of a television series or programme
- Shut oneself off: isolate oneself from other people.
- like the white on rice: close as anything can be
- inseparable: very close
- buried in work: very busy with work
- confide in: to tell something secret or personal to someone who you trust
- cross-eyed drunk: alcohol intoxicated.
- to roam: to move about or travel, especially without a clear idea of what you are going to do
- in the middle of nowhere: in a place that is remote and isolated
- shrill scream: a high pitched scream that can really hurt your ears if you’re too close
- life-changing: having an effect that is strong enough to change someone’s life
- real-estate agent: a person who sells and rents out buildings and land for clients
- to make progress: to move forward in one’s work or activity
- lucrative: producing a great deal of profit
- arduous: involving or requiring strenuous effort; difficult and tiring
264 Collocations for IELTS Speaking Band 8(Part 1)

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