
HomeIELTS SpeakingSpeaking Part 2Describe a product or application which is based on artificial intelligence.

Describe a product or application which is based on artificial intelligence.

Describe a product or application which is based on artificial intelligence.

  • What is it??
  • How do you hear about it?
  • How and why do you use it?

Sample answer:

Well, in the present scenario, we are living in a technological era where Technology has spread its legs every NOOK and corner. There are many products available which are based on artificial intelligence such as SiriGoogle assistant and so on. I like to talk about the application that is based on artificial intelligence named Alexa. I describe it briefly.

Actually, I heard about these products from an advertisement. About 1 month ago, I was watching a movie on television and between the commercial break, I came to know about this product. I found it is interesting device. Then I check on Google about Alexa. I read there the following information.

Nowadays, Alexa is available everywhere. ‘She’ is artificial intelligence (AI) that is a unique electronic product as well as lives with us. Alexa is More than simply a smart speaker assistant in our living room, Alexa is rapidly becoming a presence throughout our homes, offices, and cars. It was always prepared to play a game or to tell a joke (mostly lame jokes).

Alexa is such a device that can be queried about the weather, stream news, and music on demand. It serves as a robotic assistant that responds to voice commands in order to control home lighting and other things.

then I decided to buy it. So I went to a showroom named “supreme Infosys”. It is one of my friend’s showroom. I requested him to show me Alexa but he told me that all Alexa devices are sold out. I felt blue. But he said to me that he will order it for me from an imported company.

Then, within a week, I purchased Alexa and felt glad. After it, I start using it for my personal purposes such as setting alarm, connecting the lights of my room with it and so on.

Also, I can enjoy music according to my own choice by just speaking some words to Alexa. It is very fruitful for me.

All in all, this is a product which is based on artificial intelligence. According to my point of view, it works like a helper for me.


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