
HomeIELTS SpeakingSpeaking Part 2Describe a shopping street you would like to go

Describe a shopping street you would like to go

You should say:

  • What is this place?
  • Where is it situated?
  • Why is it so popular?

Band 8 Sample

Well I am gonna talk about Nguyen Trai street, which is one of the most crowded shopping streets of Ho Chi Minh city. I went there once, like, 3 years ago when I was a freshman at university. It was at the end of the first semester so I was swamped with assignments and revision. That’s why I decided to chill out after that nerve-racking time by wandering around my neighborhood with my besties and by chance, I found this shopping heaven.

Nguyen Trai shopping street is, more or less, 5 kilometers away from my house. It is located in downtown Ho Chi Minh City, which is really bustling with tons of people, noise and traffic. This street attracts a lot of visitors every day because of its variety of delicious food.

It has been 2 years since the last time I went there so I really hope that I can manage my timetable to have a day off and go back. You know, this street is well-known for the high-end products sold there, especially food and clothes. I plan to visit this street at the end of this month after I finish my project. At first, I thought that Nguyen Trai street was kinda boring because I didn’t feel comfortable in crowded places. However, after I went there once, this street turned out to be quite fabulous. Actually, I really want to go back to this place again and again in the future.

The reason is quite simple. I just want to go shopping around to relieve everyday stress and ease my mind after hard days at work. Besides that, I plan to go there with my family because I believe going shopping together is a good way for us to understand each other better.

Vocabulary highlights:

  • To chill out: to relax
  • Nerve-racking: making you feel very nervous and worried
  • High-end products: products that are expensive and of high quality
  • To relieve everyday stress: to reduce everyday stress
  • To ease my mind: to make myself less worried

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