
HomeIELTS SpeakingSpeaking Part 2Describe a situation where you have to be polite

Describe a situation where you have to be polite

You should say:

  • What it is
  • What did you do to be polite
  • Why did you have to be polite

    And explain how you felt about it afterwards

Band 8 Sample

I would like to talk about a time when I saved a bus seat for a pregnant lady.

It was a rainy day around 3 years ago when I was still a freshman at university. On a bus trip from my dormitory to the city center to attend a music festival sponsored by Heneiken, I met a pregnant lady who got on the bus at one of the stations. At that time, the bus was already swarming with students, and many of them even had to stand as there were not enough seats for all. In that stuffy atmosphere, the lady’s face suddenly turned pale and she had to hold on to the hand rail tightly. Sweat was rolling off her forehead.

Without hesitation, I stood up and asked her to take my seat. Then I quickly opened the glass window, trying to release the heat from inside the bus. After taking a deep breath, the lady seemed to feel better and started to have conversation with me. She told me that she was on the way to visit her aunt who was in the hospital. She knew that the bus was full but she couldn’t wait for the next one in order not to be late for the visiting hours. She also thanked me a lot for saving her the seat. Without a place to sit on the bus, she thought she would have fainted because of dizziness.

I think any person who witnessed that moment would also have the same reaction as me. For me, I did it simply because it was necessary, and my action just came from my instinct, without any hesitation. If the lady had stood for a long time, that would have affected not only her health but also her baby inside. Also, I always thought of my mom’s advice to pay close attention to things around me and provide support to people at the right time as it could be very meaningful. Therefore, at the end of that day, I was still thrilled because I had helped not only one, but two people. I mean the mom and her baby.

Vocabulary highlights:

  • Dormitory: a building for college students to live in
  • A music festival: a community event oriented towards live performances of singing and

    instrument playing

  • Swarming with: to be full of something
  • Stuffy atmosphere: an unpleasantly warm atmosphere without enough fresh air

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