
HomeIELTS SpeakingSpeaking Part 2Describe a time when you spent a long time in a traffic...

Describe a time when you spent a long time in a traffic jam 

IELTS Speaking part 2

Describe a time when you spent a long time in a traffic jam 

You should say:

  • When and where did it happen?
  • How long you were in the traffic jam?
  • What you did while waiting?
  • And explain how you felt when you were in that traffic jam

Sample Answer

I would like to tell you about a time when I got stuck in the traffic for what felt like ages.

It happened quite a long time ago when I was a university student. I was living in the dormitory and one day I took the bus to the city center in order to sit the test of proficiency in Korean. Unfortunately, the bus was chock-a-block with people, so I couldn’t find a seat and had to stand during the whole ride. As if things weren’t bad enough, the bus was mired in gridlock at one of the roundabouts along the way. I was extremely exhausted having to stand for hours in a cramped bus with no air conditioning. Later there was even a feeling of worry and frustration when I realized the bus hadn’t moved an inch in thirty minutes, and I couldn’t do anything about it. I looked out of the window and saw the road was bumper to bumper, with cars honking and people upset.

The congestion made me late for the exam and I ended up not being allowed to enter the test room. Honestly, to describe that as a painful experience in my life feels like an understatement because the test was crucially important to me, and I had burnt the candle at both ends to study for it. Eventually, I had to register for a new test and tried to arrive at the venue in plenty of time on the test day.

IELTS Speaking part 3

  1. Why are cities today facing serious traffic issues?
    I think traffic problems are unlikely to be brought about by one particular factor, and is more probably the result of a combination of different influences. Fundamentally, the increasingly affordable price of cars is the primary reason for heavy traffic in conurbations. Major advances of the automobile industry means cars can be manufactured by cost-effective means, leading to a higher number of drivers on streets. The fact that there are more and more people migrating to cities for job opportunities also contributes to traffic congestion since the demand for travelling to work and other places would increase substantially, especially at rush hour. 
  2. What can be done to improve traffic conditions in cities?
    There are effective measures to help deal with traffic problems in urban areas, and I think the main responsibility lies with the government. The way forward might be to invest in public transport. Better services and affordable ticket fares would likely make people leave their cars at home and opt for buses or trains to commute. Traffic jams could also be solved by setting up traffic-free zones in downtowns, where cars and motorbikes are banned, and by introducing bike-rental schemes to encourage individuals to cycle more regularly. This has the added benefit that air quality in cities could be enhanced.
  3. Can developing public transport help resolve traffic issues in cities?
    This would definitely have a positive impact on traffic in major conurbations. People preferring private vehicles is directly linked to inadequate public transport facilities. Commuters often find it inconvenient and time-consuming when using mass transit. Installing comfortable seats and air conditioning units, or opening more direct routes for buses and subway trains, for instance, would clearly encourage people to get into the habit of using public transport, which helps ease congestion and decrease the number of road accidents. 


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