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HomeIELTS SpeakingSpeaking Part 2Describe something you did which was a waste of time

Describe something you did which was a waste of time

Describe something you did which was a waste of time.

You should say:

  • What the thing was
  • When you did it
  • How you did it
  • And explain why it was a waste of time.

Sample Answer

Well, last year I bought a new phone and can you believe it? I spent the whole day playing with it.

Right after unboxing the phone, I downloaded some apps I often use, such as Facebook, Youtube or Dictionary. Besides, I spent around 1 or 2 hours just checking the phone’s camera. I took a bunch of pictures and then posted them on my Facebook account. Then I spent approximately 2 hours answering my friends’ comments on Facebook and chitchatting with my bosom buddy , and two more hours playing the new role-playing games that I’ve just downloaded.

I was so addicted to the phone that I even used it when I was having lunch and dinner. I was supposed to complete my assignment and submitted it the next day. But I totally forgot the task, and it was not until 11 pm of the day when I was dead on my feet , and my eyes were tired after a long day doing nothing but looking at the screen that I suddenly remembered the assignment. I was panic and didn’t know what to do because that assignment was very important. If I didn’t submit it on time, I would fail my course. I really regretted wasting too much time on such a meaningless thing. I regained my composure and drank a cup of coffee to refresh myself and to stay focused. That night I burnt the midnight oil and finally finished my assignment at 5 a.m.

It was such an unforgettable experience for me. After that unexpected accident, I promised myself that I will never ever spend too much time on my phone unless it is for studying.



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