
HomeIELTS SpeakingSpeaking Part 2Describe when someone gave you something you really wanted

Describe when someone gave you something you really wanted

You should say:

  • a. Who gave it to you
  • b. What was the thing
  • c. When you received it
  • d. Why you needed it?
  • e. How you felt about it


● In my life, I have never asked anyone for anything but there have been occasions when people have given gifts to me and it made me feel really happy.

● Today I would like to talk about once such occasion when someone gifted me a thing that I was planning to buy on my own

● It was given to me by my brother who is working as an engineer in Canada

● My brother loves me very much and is a kind hearted person

● He gifted me the latest iphone X and I was completely astonished (greatly surprised) when I came to know that he got this phone for me.

● Actually I had been saving for this phone for a lot of months but still i didn’t have enough money to buy it

● I also read a lot of reviews about this phone and watched a lot of videos on youtube as well about this phone

● It’s an awesome phone with lot of great features like face recognition, wireless charging and dual cameras.

● My brother was visiting us during the last winters and he saw me doing a lot of research about this phone on the internet

● He knew that I wanted this phone badly

● So he went ahead and bought this phone for me without letting me know

● He gave this phone to me as a surprise on Christmas

● When I woke up on Christmas morning the phone was lying inside a sock next to my bed.

● At first I didn’t believe if it was real or a dream but then when everyone started congratulating me, I felt elated.

● I thanked my brother a lot and I called him my Santa Claus.

● So this was the moment when I felt extremely joyful on receiving something I

really wanted.

Part 3 – Follow Up Questions

1.What is the relationship between shopping and economy of your country?

Shopping improves the economy and as economy improves, people do more shopping. So, both things depend on each other.

2.What are the things young people like to buy?

Young people like to buy clothes, shoes, electronic gadgets and many other products.

3.How your friends influence your shopping choice?

Friends suggest me things to buy. My friends are very brand conscious. So,they keep a lookout on the various offers by various branded stores. For example, recently, there was an offer on Levis jeans. Two jeans were free on purchase of one. So, we bought one for Rs 3000/­ and got two free. Each one had to pay only 1000/­ for the Levis jeans.

4.Is consumption important to a country?

Yes, consumption is very important to a country for its economy to grow/progress. Consumption means customer demand and that leads to mass production, employment and makes any business profitable. However, over consumption can be negative as it leads to a consumerist and materialistic society. It also leads to environmental damage. So, people should draw a line on their consumption of consumer goods and it shouldn’t lead to the above mentioned drawbacks or a throw away society.

5.What should parents do when their children ask for things their friends have?

Parents should make the children understand the difference between needs and desires. Parents should also be transparent about the affordability and family budget limitations so that children become more responsible and don’t demand things from their parents only because of peer pressure.

6.Why do people buy things that are not necessary?

People sometimes buy things that are unnecessary because of their materialistic nature. It could also be due to peer or societal pressures. Sometimes people may stock things in the hope that it is something that they may need in the future.


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