Describe your favourite way to relax.
You should say:
- what is it
- how effective it is for you
- when and how you relax.
and explain why you like this way of relaxation.
Model Answer :
Due to the nature of my profession, I merely manage time for relaxation. In fact, I need to remain busy round the week and can manage only a half day for leisure in the week. So, I pass the moments carefully and love to watch movies. Thank you for the question. I am happy to have the chance of describing the matter here.
Watching movie is my favourite way to relax. Actually, I do not have much time to spend on my leisure activities here in Malaysia. I am a full-time student and a part-time employee of a local coffee shop. So, I need to remain busy always for the nature of my activities and hardly can manage time except for sleeping and study. Therefore, I watch various types of movies in the leisure hour and enjoy them to the last minute.
This is an effective method for me. Actually, when I am at university, I need to focus on the studies, and when I am at the workplace, I need to concentrate on the customers and other activities. So, it is quite natural that I get stressed at the end of the day. I need to work hard at the coffee shop to serve the customers. Luckily, my duty begins in the afternoon and continues until 10.00pm. On the other side, my class begins at 8.00am and breaks around noon. So, I cannot manage enough time for relaxation on the regular days. When I watch movies, it makes me feel relaxed. It removes all the tensions for me. In fact, I am energised with the movies. I laugh, I cry and overall, I get entertained. The next day, I am recharged with inspirations to move on. By this way, it becomes effective for me.
Usually, I watch the movies on Friday evening. I have no class during this day. And thus I try to perform my coffee shop duty in the morning part. As a result, I get the remaining part of the day and there are no tasks for me. I am free of responsibilities and get my long desired leisure hours in the week. So, I go to my dormitory, open up my laptop and watch movies. Sometimes I try to get back home early from my workstation and the shop owner allows me considering my week-long engagement. I am grateful to him for his such flexibility. After returning home, I start downloading movies for the next week and start watching that I downloaded in the past. Sometimes I watch two or three movies in a day and it depends on the movie run-time. When the movies are shorter in run-time, I can watch three of them and when they are lengthy, I try to watch at least two movies at a time.
The way of relaxation actually depends on people and also may vary in person. This is my own way and is different from others. Some may not feel comfortable with this type of relaxation method. But I feel complete satisfaction when I watch movies. Watching movies help me to increase the concentration level that I apply to my real-life issues. Besides, it also helps me to know about various concepts and interesting matters. I like to enjoy the drama and action movies most as those are filled with dramatic thrills. They provide me with a new dimension of life and living. So, I am in love with the movies. And this is the best way of mine to be relaxed.