
HomeIELTS VocabularyGeneral 19: each, ear, early, easy, eat

General 19: each, ear, early, easy, eat

1. each

– Part Of Speech: pronoun
– Meaning: Used to refer to every one of two or more people or things, regarded and identified separately.
– Example:
+ each one of us was asked what went on
+ they each have their own personality
+ Every week there is a new rail scare and each one ebbs away at my confidence in the rail system.
+ All of them have been so varied and each one is always totally different form the last.
+ Rub each of the boned chicken legs all over with a little olive oil and the thyme leaves.
+ He eyed each one carefully and wondered if any could guess what he was about to say.
+ Fawcett’s team won the last three ends but managed only a single shot on each of them.
+ Place the pears in the bowl of water and lemon juice while you are preparing each one in turn.
+ The activities or thoughts that bring on a state of flow are different for each of us.

2. ear

– Part Of Speech: noun
– Meaning: The organ of hearing and balance in humans and other vertebrates, especially the external part of this.
– Example:
+ Whales and pigeons can hear frequencies of sound far below the capacity of the human ear.
+ I was so embarrassed that I could feel my ears burn red!
+ One night, a moth flew into my mom’s ear while she was washing dishes.
+ If the growth is large, then it may have caused more damage and this sometimes leads to some loss of hearing in the affected ear.
+ He unconsciously leaned his ear towards the sound reverberating through the guitar and nodded as he tuned.
+ Why scratch your left ear with your right hand?

3. early

– Part Of Speech: adjective
– Meaning: Happening or done before the usual or expected time.
– Example:
+ we ate an early lunch
+ It’s an idea that repeatedly surfaces in magazines and newspapers trying to sell an early start to the weekend.
+ The IAEA mission has handed the plant management an early report on their work.
+ It’s still early, but I may well get an entire chapter out of that little spark of an idea.
+ The early onset of agricultural innovation there cannot be ascribed to above-average urban demand.
+ Saturday will be centrepiece of the trek, and an early start will take them over a high mountain pass to Spain.
+ It is expected that the union will shortly call an early general assembly.
+ Twenty-five pensioners enjoyed a free lunch as an early Christmas present from their local pub.

4. easy

– Part Of Speech: adjective
– Meaning: Achieved without great effort; presenting few difficulties.
– Example:
+ an easy way of retrieving information
+ He said it was easy for politicians to make spending promises but more difficult to find the money.
+ However, working in the film industry is no easy task, confesses Rocky.
+ The upper half of the deck is placed within easy reach of all players.
+ While finding a partner or date is hard, maintaining the relationship should be easy.
+ I encountered no glitches in my testing, and found it fairly easy to use.
+ But it is surprisingly easy to forget what you spend in a day.
+ The real difficulty is that it’s very easy for someone to mess up these predictions.
+ Capturing and holding the attention of a classroom for an entire lecture period is no easy task.

5. eat

– Part Of Speech: verb
– Meaning: Put (food) into the mouth and chew and swallow it.
– Example:
+ he was eating a hot dog
+ When eating solid food, patients may have difficulty chewing and initiating swallows.
+ In nature we see animals eating their prey alive.
+ The nurses brought him food, but he had refused to eat it because it included cheese.
+ At all times, foods must be eaten slowly, chewed thoroughly or puréed, and consumed in small portions.

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