
HomeIELTS SpeakingPractice TestIELTS Practice C.A.M 18 – Speaking (Test 4)

IELTS Practice C.A.M 18 – Speaking (Test 4)

Mockup full IELTS Speaking test 4 from IELTS C.A.M 18.

Speaking Part 1: Sleep

  • How many hours do you usually sleep at night?
  • Do you sometimes sleep during the day? [Why/Why not?]
  • What do you do if you can’t get to sleep at night? [Why?]
  • Do you ever remember the dreams you’ve had while you were asleep?

Cue card: Part 2

Describe a time when you met someone who you became good friends with.

You should say:

  • Who you met
  • When and where you met this person
  • What you thought about this person
  • When you first met

and explain why you think you became good friends with this person.

Follow up questions : Part 3

Friends at school

  • How important is it for children to have lots of friends at school?
  • Do you think it is wrong for parents to influence which friends their children have?
  • Why do you think children often choose different friends as they get older?

Making new friends

  • If a person is moving to a new town, what is a good way for them to make friends?
  • Can you think of any disadvantages of making new friends online?
  • Would you say it is harder for people to make new friends as they get older?


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