
HomeIELTS SpeakingSpeaking Part 1IELTS Speaking Part 1: Talk about yourself

IELTS Speaking Part 1: Talk about yourself

Talk about yourself is the most basic topic in IELTS Speaking Part 1. It usually revolves around common topics such as hometown, hobby and daily routine.

Talk about yourself : Part 1

1. What does your name mean?

Well, my name’s Lacy. It means “bright and fancy” in English. I guess the reason why my parents set this name for me is because they wanted me to become independent and determined in life. I would say that names have an impact in our life. Fortunately, my name matches my personality.

2. What do you do?

I’m working as an office worker. You know, I’m responsible for handling paper tasks. It’s kinda a mundane job because I get stuck behind a desk every day. Besides that, there are no rapid promotions for long-term employees.

3. Where do you work?

Well, I work for a famous educational company located in HCM city. I would say that it is a friendly working environment where I have a chance to work with supportive, disciplined and determined workmates. I feel so grateful for being part of the company.

4. What aspects of your job do you like most?

One of the best things about my job is flexible working hours. This might be impossible for those who work nine-to-five hour jobs and are often stuck behind a desk. I think being able to choose when to work is important to achieve work-life balance.

5. What aspects of your job do you dislike?

Honestly, I’m not really keen on business trips. This is because it’s kinda stressful to be in crowded places and travel all the time. I know it’s good to expand social circles but I feel like it’s damaging my mental stamina.

Let’s see how to talk about yourself simply through the following video:

Short Sample: Talk about yourself

Sample 1

My name’s Lacy. I’ve been working as a senior supervisor for a famous educational company located in HCM city. I would say that it is a friendly working environment where I have a chance to work with supportive, disciplined and determined workmates. I feel so grateful for being part of the company. One of the best things about my job is flexible working hours. This might be impossible for those who work nine-to-five hour jobs and are often stuck behind a desk. I think being able to choose when to work is important to achieve work-life balance. However, I usually have to travel for business purposes and it’s kinda stressful to be in crowded places.

Sample 2

My name’s Mr. T. I consider myself a humble, open-minded and determined person. My workmates often describe me as an older brother in our company. I’m a big fan of IU who is a famous Korean singer. When I need to concentrate on my work, I often listen to her music to enjoy the catchy melodies. I’m always willing to help other people who are in need. I also appreciate relationships built on mutual respect and I try to get away from gossip. In terms of my marital status, I got married to my best friend and we are having a happy life with two little puppies.

Sample 3

I’m Tien. I would say that I’m a sports person who enjoys physical activities such as swimming, playing tennis or going out for a walk. I often take part in sports competitions. It not only helps me get lean but also expands my circle of friends who share the same interests. However, I used to be a couch potato and addicted to social media. I couldn’t focus on doing anything for more than 1 hour. Fortunately I changed and I’m satisfied with my version of myself at the moment.


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