
HomeIELTS SpeakingSpeaking Part 3IELTS Speaking Part 3: A time you took risk

IELTS Speaking Part 3: A time you took risk

Topic: A time you took risk

  1. Who usually takes risks, why?

I don’t think there is any most effective way as learners can personalize their learning experience to their interest. For example, one cost-free way is to learn through different forms of arts like movies and songs – I mean people can choose whatever category they are fond of. Another way would be to actually learn the language used in that culture; this method may take a lot of time but can be very effective.

  1. Why do young people take risks more often than the elderly?

I think it’s quite easy to understand. You know, most old people have gained a lot of things in their life, like properties, family and relationships. No normal person wants to take risk and lose any of those things. And old people aren’t very open to learn from their mistakes, I believe. The young are different: they have nothing to lose, they still have plenty of time left in life so there’s a whole lot for them to learn in case of failure. That’s why they’re willing to take risks, sometimes even a big one.

  1. Why do boys take risks more often than girls?

I think the differences in hormones between the two genders are the underlying reason for risk taking. Besides, personality is also an explanation. While boys are taught to be strong, fearless and tough, girls are expected to be more gentle and calm. Taking risks helps boys show their strength and power and it proves that they will be able to protect their female counterparts. This gives them a rewarding feeling.

  1. What advice should parents give to children to avoid taking risks?

I think to reduce risk-taking, parents should teach their children how to assess risks. Some risks are worth a try, but some are dangerous. But children may not have enough real-life experiences to recognize when to step out of their comfort zone and when they should not. So parents should give some examples of different risks and ask their children to think about the consequences. This helps children learn to consider carefully before taking risks and know which risks that they should avoid.

  1. Should we read about dangerous situations, why?

Certainly. Life is unexpected, you know. We never know when something dangerous is gonna come, so having some preparation is necessary. For instance, there are a lot of drunk drivers out there, and we don’t know when we’re gonna encounter them. So reading some articles or books about these situations can help us, at least, get a picture of how we should react in such a case.


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