
HomeIELTS SpeakingPractice TestIELTS Speaking Practice : Topic Sporting Event

IELTS Speaking Practice : Topic Sporting Event

In this post, we discuss about “Topic Sporting Event” with sample answers. 

Speaking Part 1

1. Do you enjoy playing any games?

Yes, I do enjoy playing games. The most favorite indoor game of mine is uno cards and my outdoor game is badminton which I mostly play with my friends or family members.

2. What kind of games do you play?

The games require more physical activity and that takes out all the toxicity from my body and also helps in refreshing my mood. I often play outdoor games because it helps in revitalising my mind

3. What kind of games did you play as a child?

My childhood was really fun. I used to play a lot with my friends. Games like hide and seek, badminton, football, wall touch ,and etc are the ones I played

4. What games are popular in your country?

Games like hide and seek, badminton, volleyball, cricket, football, chain cut and lot many are popular in my country. The young children of age group 7-19 play these games

Speaking Part 2 – Cue card

Describe a sporting event that you enjoyed watching.

You should say

  • What the event was
  • Where you watched it
  • Who watched this event with you
  • and explain why you enjoyed watching this event.

Sample Answer

Sports have always attracted me since childhood. I’ve always been the one to participate in a plethora of events in my school. And, in the ones I couldn’t participate in, I made sure to attend them at any cost. Just last week, I was a part of the annual sporting event in my college.

My college takes up the liability to organize and host such sporting competitions to inspire students to participate in extracurricular activities. The event that I am talking about took place in the playground of my college. The entire premises was decorated and embellished attractively. Gradually, everybody began arriving and taking their seats. The competitions commenced around noon. Post the competitions, everybody waited patiently for the prize distribution ceremony.

My parents and my sister had come along to see me play and cheer me simultaneously. I had taken part in a few matches, such as Cricket and Hockey. Fortunately, I won the man of the match in Cricket. Even in Hockey, my team won the match. Some of my classmates were in the opposing team. However, they could not win against us. Overall, I was satisfied with the performance in both matches. Rest of the matches, I sat with my family and enjoyed every bit of them.

The annual sporting event is one of the best events I participate in every year. I enjoy the competitiveness of this event. And, the fact that juniors and seniors come together to win with sweat and blood is completely mesmerizing. Whether I bring any medal home or not, I will always participate in the event enthusiastically.

Follow Question – Part 3 : Sporting Event

  • What are the benefits of sport or exercise ?
  • What kinds of sports facilities exist in your community ?
  • Do men and women play the same kind of sports ?

View all questions/Answer.


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