
HomeIELTS SpeakingPractice TestIELTS Speaking Practice: Topic Work

IELTS Speaking Practice: Topic Work

In this post, we discuss IELTS speaking: topic Work  with sample answers.

The first you need to review the vocabulary below:

IELTS Speaking Vocabulary : Work

Practice Test: Topic Work

IELTS Speaking Part 1

What do you do?

At the moment, I am a student, but I also do some voluntary work at my university, where I can gain a lot of precious experience.

Do you have any career plan yet?

Yes, I have. I would like to be self-employed down the road because I am not fond of a nine-to-five job. I hope that I can run something concerning sales of clothes and accessories.

IELTS Speaking Part 2

Describe your ideal job.
You should say
+ What this job is?
+ Whether you would need any qualifications?
+ Whether it would be easy to find work?
and say why you would enjoy this job in particular?

Band 8.0 Sample Answer 

Everyone has their dream job, and I am no exception. Since I was a little boy, it has been my dream to work as a human resources manager in a multinational company. What makes me want to have the job is that I am fond of interacting with other people, then working in the workplace will give me the chance to deal with human relationships, not to mention that a teacher from my university complimented my leadership skills and he said that I can organize people to work together and lead them to boost the productivity, which is one of the reasons driving me to the job.

Generally, working in human resources field is likely to be well paid, besides it is also challenging for me to find work in the area because the position will require a high level of qualification and a large amount of experience. Thus, to prepare for my career, I have gained a bachelor in business administration, and I am about to do a master degree in the field, in which I will specialize in human resources management. Apart from my studies, at the time I was doing my bachelor, I also took part in several voluntary work. By doing that, I have got plenty of valuable experience such as social skills and business knowledge as well. I hope that all of this can help me to take my ideal job easier.

IELTS Speaking Part 3

If there are a limited number of jobs available who should be given priority, young people or older people with more experience?

I believe that it should be a young worker, Although young people cannot possess a rich source of knowledge like the older people do, they are full of energy, they can motivate other coworkers to work harder, which could have a good effect on the company. Additionally, lately, older workers tend to take early retirement, then the job vacancies are always available for young people.

What are the disadvantages of working for someone else?

The first things is, people working for someone else will be put under a lot of pressure. For instance, the workers will have heavy workload and always have to work to meet the deadlines, which is stressful. In addition, working for someone means you will have less time to relax and be with your family.


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