
HomeIELTS VocabularyIELTS Speaking Vocabulary : Accommodation

IELTS Speaking Vocabulary : Accommodation

In the IELTS Speaking test, it is highly likely that IELTS examiner will ask you to talk about the place you live or would like to live in. In today’s post, I will group a great number of phrases and collocations about Accommodation, into one single post to help you find it much easier when it comes to speaking about home and renting a home.

Benefits and Drawbacks of Owning your Home


Your privacy would be protected

Example: Owning a home can allow the owner to protect their privacy. For instance, if you live with a roommate who always makes noise, you will find it difficult to focus on your work.

You can take pride in your ownership

Example: People who own their home can take pride in their ownership.


You have to be responsible for maintenance costs

Example: When you live in your home, you will have to be responsible for maintenance costs.

You have to make a long-term commitment

Example: When buying a house, people will be required to make a long-term commitment.

Common Phrases and Idioms for IELTS Speaking Topic: Accommodation

1. Apartment block: a large building made up of small units of apartments

Example: In a big city, people usually chose to live in apartment blocks.

2. Rented accommodation: property owned by someone else and for which a person pays a fixed amount to live in

Example: People who do not have enough money to buy a house normally live in rented accommodations.

3. To own your own home: to have bought the property you lived in

Example: It has been my dream to own my own home in a building complex before I’m turning 25.

4. Dream home: a home you regard as perfect

Example: My dream home should have two balconies, where I can experience the city’s view with my family.

5. Back garden: a garden at the rear of the house

Example: A ideal house should have a back garden, then people who live in can get closer to nature every time.

6. Spacious room: a large room

Example: Their new apartment has five spacious rooms, which is comfortable for them to live in

7. To take out a mortgage: to borrow a large amount of money, paid pack over several years, to buy a house

Example: The house that she was interested in is really expensive, then She had to take out a mortgage.

8. To do up a property: to repair an old building

Example: One of my favourite thing is doing up an old property, each time I do this, I feel a sense of satisfaction.

9. To pay rent in advance: weekly or monthly rent paid at the beginning of the week or month

Example: Generally, rented accommodation requires that people who hire a house need to pay rent in advance.

10. Permanent address: a fixed address

Example: I need you to provide me with a permanent address, so I could make contact with you when is needed.

11. To get on the property ladder: to buy a property with the aim of buying another bigger or more expensive one later in life

Example: when I’m turning 25, I would like to settle down and get on the property ladder.

12. Mod cons: technology at home that makes jobs easier such as a washing machine, dishwasher

Example: The house is equipped with mod cons, which can make people’lives more comfortable.

13. To live on campus: to live on the university or college grounds

Example: I prefer living on campus because I could have the chance to make a lot of new friends there.

14. To move into: to begin to live in a property

Example: I starting to move into the new house on 28th September.

15. The suburbs: a residential area on the edge of tows or cities

Example: In the modern world, many people prefer to live in the suburbs, because the environment is much fresher.


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