
HomeIELTS WritingFull Writing ReviewIELTS Writing Actual Test 19/10/2019 (Commuting)

IELTS Writing Actual Test 19/10/2019 (Commuting)

Task 1

The bar chart below shows the percentage of share of total world production by Asia, Europe and other parts of the world from the years 1840 to 2000. 

Sample Answer:

The bar chart illustrates the percentage of total world production in terms of Asia, Europe, and the rest of the world, between 1840 and 2000. 

In general, production in Asia and Europe decreased, and therefore the rest of the world experienced significant growth. Additionally, the difference between the percentage of production in the given regions became smaller over the time period. 

In 1840, just over half of the world’s production came from Asia, which was approximately 10% higher than the figure for Europe, and five times as much as the rest of the world. By 1880, the percentage of world production in Asia had halved, and continued to decline to around 20% by 1920. In contrast, the respective figures for Europe and the rest of the world climbed significantly to approximately 50% and 30%. 

In 1960, production in Europe had dropped by around 10%, while production in the rest of the world continued to increase to around 35%. By the year 2000, Asia’s share of production had risen to 40%, exceeding that of Europe and the other regions, which stood at 28% and 32% respectively. 

Task 2

Many people are now spending more and more time travelling to work or school. Some people believe that this is a negative development while others think there are some benefits. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Sample Answer:

These days, many people are spending an increasing amount of time commuting to their workplace or school. Although there may be some benefits to this development, I believe it is mostly negative. 

There are only a couple of benefits that people could possibly gain from having to spend large amounts of time travelling to and from work or school, which are mostly related to those who commute via public transport. Firstly, travelling on public transport can allow people more time to get things done that they have been too busy to complete. For example, some school kids have to spend up to one hour travelling by bus every day and this is a great opportunity for them to get their homework done. Likewise, some adults may use this time to catch up on some unfinished work on their laptop, or plan their work schedule for the day. Furthermore, sitting on a bus or train is also a great time to relax and read a book. 

However, not all people can take advantage of these benefits. For example, in Vietnam, only a small percentage of people use public transport and therefore have no opportunity to read or catch up on work. Instead, most people are stuck in traffic jams during rush hours, sitting on a motorbike breathing in toxic fumes from other vehicles, which in the long term can lead to a number of serious health issues. Additionally, spending more and more time commuting leaves less time for other more important activities, like spending time with loved ones, or pursuing one’s hobbies. And lastly, from my observations, when travelling on public transport these days, the majority of people are not reading or working, but keep their eyes glued to their smartphone browsing social media, which could be considered as an a waste of time. 

Overall, I believe this is a negative development, however it really depends upon how people spend their time while travelling. 


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