
HomeRecent IELTS ExamIELTS Writing Recent Actual Test | November 2022

IELTS Writing Recent Actual Test | November 2022

0. “TELTS Academic Test In Viet Nam, November 2022”

Writing Task 1 # Bar Chart #
The bar chart shows the number of visits to a community website in the first and second years of use.

Writing Task 2 # Essay #
In many countries large amounts of food are wasted. Why do you think people waste food in this way? What can be done to reduce the amount of food thrown away?

1. “TELTS Academic Test In France, November 2022”

Writing Task 1 # Pie Chart #
The pie charts illustrate the advertising agency employees’ educational background in 1995 and 2015.

Writing Task 2 # Essay #
Television has two roles: to inform and entertain people. Explain which of these roles you consider more important. How effectively do you think TV plays each of these roles today? Support your point of view with details from your own experience, observations or reading.

2. “IELTS General Test In UAE, November 2022”

Writing Task 1 # Letter #
‘You recently read an article in the local newspaper about your city and found that some of the facts are wrong. Write a letter to the editor of the newspaper. In your letter

  • What article you are writing about
  • Explain which facts were incorrect
  • Suggest how to correct them.

Writing Task 2 # Essay #
‘Some people believe that dangerous sports should be banned. However, others believe that people should be free to choose their sports. Discuss both the views and give your own opinion.

3. “IELTS Academic Test In Canada, November 2022”

Writing Task 1 # Bar Chart – Line Chart #

1. The bar chart illustrates the proportion of people in different age groups that spend on vacation, clothes, and electronic devices in a Switzerland from 2008 to 2018.

2. The line graph illustrates the different communication mode letter, email, and telephone from 2010 to

Writing Task 2 # Essay #

1.‘Some people think that the Olympic Games are exciting and can bring nations together. Others, however, feel it is a waste of money. Discuss both the points and give your own opinion.

2. Many first-year university students find that their chosen subjects do not suit them. Why does this
happen? What can be done to ensure that students can choose a suitable subject?

4. “IELTS Academic Test In Japan, November 2022”

Writing Task 1 # Line Chart #
‘The line chart illustrates the number of overseas visitors who came to the France for different purposes between 1992 and 2012.

Writing Task 2 # Essay #
In some countries, small shops in the city center are closed because people tend to go to large shopping centers. As a result, people without cars have limited access to out-of-town shops, which can increase car use. Do you think the disadvantages of this change outweigh its benefits?

5. “IELTS Academic Test In USA, November 2022”

Writing Task 1 # Table Chart #

1. The table chart illustrates the proportions of video games in terms of gender, age, and best-selling games from 2004 to 2008.

2. The table chart illustrates the changes in people’s satisfaction with the healthcare system in four
countries over five years.

Writing Task 2 # Essay #

1. The increase in the production of consumer goods damages the natural environment. What are the
reasons for this? What can be done to resolve this problem?

2. Many university first-year students find that the subjects they have chosen do not suit them. Why is this happening? What can be done so that students can choose the right subject?

6. “IELTS Academic Test In Switzerland, November 2022”

Writing Task 1 # Pie Chart #
The pie charts illustrate the proportion of people who used five different communication methods
between 1995 and 2010.

Writing Task 2 # Essay #
In today’s world, people spend a lot of money on appearance because they want to look younger. Why
does this happen? Do you think this is a positive or negative development?

7. “IELTS Academic Test In Sweden, November 2022”

Writing Task 1 # Line Chart #
The line graph illustrates the production of electricity and energy from four natural resources (coal, oil,
natural gas, and nuclear energy) between 1995 and 2005 in the UK.

Writing Task 2 # Essay #
‘Some people believe that the primary purpose of schools is to turn the children into good citizens and
workers, rather than to benefit them as individuals. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this

8. “IELTS Academic Test In Germany, November 2022”

Writing Task 1 # Line Chart #
The line chart illustrates the proportion of energy produced from different sources in a four different
countries from 1990 to 2010.

Writing Task 2 # Essay #
Some people believe that this is the best way to leave their home country to improve their work and life opportunities, while others feel that it is better to stay in their country. Discuss both perspectives and give your opinion.

9. “IELTS Academic Test In Australia, November 2022”

Writing Task 1 # Pie Chart #
The pie charts illustrate the international demand for fiber cotton, polyester, cellulose, and wool between 1982 and 2016.

Writing Task 2 # Essay #
More and more people no longer read newspapers or watch TV shows to get the news. They receive news about the world through the Internet. Is this a positive or negative development?

10. “IELTS Academic Test In India, November 2022”

Writing Task 1 # Letter #
‘You recently visited a place that had a strong influence on you. Now you want to write to your friend
about this place. Write a letter to a friend about this place. In your letter,

  • Explain where this place was and how you got there
  • Describe what you saw
  • Offer to take your friend there

Writing Task 2 # Essay #
Some people believe that elementary and high school students should be taught how to manage money because it is an important life skill. Discuss both points of view and express your opinion.

11. “IELTS Academic Test In Singapore, November 2022”

Writing Task 1 # Line Graph #
The line chart illustrates the online sales for retail sectors in America in 2005 and 2015.

Writing Task 2 # Essay #
In a number of countries, some consider it necessary to spend large sums of money on the construction of new railway lines for very fast trains between cities. Others believe the money should be spent on improving existing public transport.


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