
HomeIELTS WritingWriting Task 1Bar Chart #39 - Academic staff percentages in faculties, by gender, 2016

Bar Chart #39 – Academic staff percentages in faculties, by gender, 2016

The graph shows the percentage of male and female academic staff members across the faculties of a major university in 2016.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main feature, and make comparisons where relevant.

You should write at least 150 words.

Academic staff percentages in faculties, by gender, 2016

Sample Answer:

The bar chart compares the ratio of male and female academic personnel in different departments of a university in 2016. A glance at the graph reveals that the proportion of male academics in Engineering, science, law and business was higher while there were more female staffs in faculties like arts, education and medicine.

According to the illustration, engineering faculties was predominated by male instructors in 2016 as 85% of them were males. Law, business and science faculties also had a higher number of male academics, approximately six out of ten academic staffs were male. Interestingly, a similar percentage of staffs from both genders were employed in the faculty of medicine in this university.

Looking further, arts and education faculties of this university had far more female teachers than that of males. In education faculty, more than seven in ten active academics were female. Female staff’s dominance is obvious in the faculty of Arts as well and their ratio was roughly 60%.


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