
HomeIELTS WritingWriting Task 2IELTS Writing Task 2: Mobile Phones in Public Places (Real Exam/Test)

IELTS Writing Task 2: Mobile Phones in Public Places (Real Exam/Test)

This is an IELTS writing task 2 sample answer essay on the topic of banning mobile phones in public from the real IELTS exam.

IELTS Writing Task 2 : Banning Mobile Phones in Public Places

Many people think that mobile phones should be banned in public places such as libraries, shops and public transport.

Do you agree or disagree?

Sample Answer :

There have been recent calls for the regulation of mobile phones in public areas. In my opinion, though this would have a positive effect on social interactions, a complete ban is unrealistic and impractical.

Those in favour of such sweeping reforms can point to reduced communication in society. Look inside any public spacewhether it be a library, a store, a bus, or a park, and most likely the majority of individuals will be staring at their phones. This stands in stark contrast to the days before smartphones when people had to resort to talking to each other, or, at worst, reading a book to curb social anxiety. In the last two decades, mobiles have greatly reduced chance encounterspotential friendships, and conversations with both strangers and friends. The long-term effects of this are still unknown but it is safe to say that future generations will be less sociable and dynamic and more isolated and passive.

Nonetheless, banning phones in public is purely theoretical as they have become indispensable. Most jobs require employees to either be available by phone, for example doctors and police officers, or to use their phones throughout the day, as is common with businessmen and lawyers. This means most people must have their phone on them in public places for work reasons. Moreover, phone addiction has reached a point where nearly everyone in public is either messaging, playing a game, reading the news, or scrolling through social media. These have become important escapes for individuals and serve the practical purpose of minimising boredom during breaks and while waiting. Phones are therefore no longer a luxury but a key ingredient in daily life.

In conclusion, despite the impact of phones on social interaction, I believe a ban would interfere too much with ingrained habits. It is instead the responsibility of individuals to police their own behaviour.


  • recent calls people asking for
  • regulation rules about
  • public areas libraries, parks, etc.
  • positive effect good impact
  • social interactions talking to people
  • complete ban totally restricting
  • unrealistic not likely
  • impractical can’t really happen
  • in favour of preferring
  • sweeping reforms big changes
  • reduced communication less talking to each other
  • public space outside the home
  • whether it be if it is… or
  • most likely often
  • majority most of
  • staring looking at
  • stands in stark contrast to big difference to
  • resort have to use
  • at worst worst case scenario
  • curb social anxiety be calm in public
  • greatly reduced chance encounters much fewer opportunities for new meetings
  • potential friendships possible relationships
  • long-term effects how things will be impacted in the future
  • unknown still up in the air
  • it is safe to say that will likely be true that
  • less sociable not as friendly
  • dynamic active, malleable
  • isolated alone
  • passive not active
  • purely theoretical only works in theory/as an idea
  • indispensable can’t be given up
  • available always on call
  • as is common with can be seen in
  • have their phone on them always available
  • phone addiction can’t stop using a phone
  • reached a point finally arrived at
  • scrolling looking through
  • escapes getaway from
  • serve the practical purpose have value because
  • minimising boredom reducing feeling bored
  • luxury extravagance
  • key ingredient essential component
  • interfere get in the way of
  • ingrained habits can’t change behaviour
  • police verb of police meaning ‘control’

From : howtodoielts.com

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