
HomeIELTS WritingWriting VocabularyLesson 1: Accommodation - Writing Band 8 Vocabulary

Lesson 1: Accommodation – Writing Band 8 Vocabulary

Lesson 1: Accommodation

  1. Balcony – an area with a wall or bars around it that is joined to the outside wall of a building on an upper level
  2. Brick – a rectangular block of hard material used for building walls and houses
  3. ceiling – the upper surface of a room that you see when you look above you
  4. concrete – a very hard building material made by mixing together cement, sand, small stones, and water
  5. cottage – a small house, usually in the countryside
  6. gadget – a small device or machine with a particular purpose
  7. housing – buildings for people to live in
  8. landmark – a building or place that is easily recognized
  9. lift shaft – a vertical shaft in a building through which a lift moves to different levels.
  10. occupant – a person who lives or works in a room or building
  11. platform – a flat raised area or structure
  12. quarry – a large artificial hole in the ground where stone, sand, etc. is dug for use as building material
  13. residence – a home; the place where someone lives
  14. steel – a strong metal that is a mixture of iron and carbon
  15. timber – wood that is prepared for use in building, etc
  16. airy – with a lot of light and space
  17. conventional – traditional and ordinary
  18. cosy – comfortable and pleasant, especially (of a building) because of being small and warm
  19. cramped – not having enough space or time.
  20. disposable – used once then thrown away
  21. exterior – outer; on or from the outside
  22. futuristic – relating to the future, or very modern or advanced
  23. high-rise – a tall modern building with many floors
  24. mass-produced – produced in large numbers using machinery
  25. multi-storey – a building that has several floors
  26. ornate – having a lot of decoration
  27. prefabricated – built from parts that have been made in a factory and can be put together quickly
  28. spacious – large and with a lot of space
  29. state-of-the-art – very modern and using the most recent ideas and methods
  30. ultra-modern – extremely modern; advanced
  31. automate – to change a factory, office, or process so that machines do the work instead of people
  32. condemn – to criticize something or someone strongly, usually for moral reasons
  33. demolish – knock down, destroy thoroughly
  34. devise – to invent something, esp. with intelligence or imagination
  35. haul – to pull something heavy slowly and with difficulty
  36. hoist – to lift something heavy, often with special equipment
  37. renovate – to repair and improve something, especially a building
  38. skyward – in the direction of the sky
  39. warehouse – a large building for storing things before they are sold, used, or sent out to shops
  40. tough strong; not easily broken or made weaker or defeated
  41. spring system – is an elastic object used to store mechanical energy.
  42. mesh – to join together in the correct position
  43. ratchet – a part of a machine that allows movement in one direction only.
  44. unveil – to show or make something known for the first time
  45. slack – not tight; loose
  46. contraption – device
  47. tenant – a person who rents a room, a building, or land
  48. screw – a thin pointed piece of metal like a nail with a raised spiral line
  49. heading – words written or printed at the top of a text as a title
  50. obsession – something or someone that you think about all the time
  51. consolidate – to combine into a single unit; to group together or join.
  52. indebted – grateful because of help given
  53. depict – to represent or show something in a picture, story, movie, etc.; portray
  54. mixed success – successful only on few issues not on all of them
  55. appliance – a device, machine, or piece of equipment, especially an electrical one that is used in the house
  56. team up – to join another person, or form a group with other people, in order to do something together
  57. surround – to be around something on all sides
  58. combustion – the process of burning
  59. self-propelled – able to move by its own power
  60. stack – to arrange things in an ordered pile
  61. marvel – a wonderful and surprising person or thing
  62. apparent – easily seen or perceived, easily understood
  63. hose – a long plastic or rubber pipe, used to direct water onto fires, gardens, etc.
  64. drapery – cloth arranged in folds
  65. blast – a sudden strong blow of air
  66. overriding – more important
  67. acquisition – the process of getting something
  68. incorporation – the act of including something
  69. turmoil – a state of confusion, excitement, or anxiety
  70. masculine – of man; male
  71. rough and ready – produced quickly, with little preparation
  72. stark – extreme
  73. pejorative – insulting, disapproving
  74. cherished – bringing the pleasure of love
  75. utopian – romantic
  76. blur – to make something hard to see
  77. deployment – the use of something or someone in an effective way
  78. rosy – optimistic, bright, happy
  79. exhort – to strongly encourage or persuade someone to do something
  80. self-indulgent – allowing yourself to have or do anything that you enjoy
  81. free rein – the freedom to do, say, or feel what you want
  82. spa – a town where water comes out of the ground and people come to drink it or lie in it because they think it will improve their health
  83. discotheque – disco
  84. ebb – to becomes less strong or disappear
  85. hectic – full of busy activity
  86. imperative – extremely important or urgent
  87. envisage – to have a mental picture of; visualize.
  88. consumerism – the state of an advanced industrial society in which a lot of goods are bought and sold

Some questions asked in previous IELTS Writing Paper that you would be
able to write with the help of the vocabulary in this lesson:

  1. In some countries prisoners are allowed comfortable accommodation, good food, and healthcare.
    Do you think this is appropriate?
    To what extent do you agree or disagree?
    Give specific reasons and examples to support your position.
  2. People are more mobile nowadays. They seldom live in one city all of their lives.
    Why do you think this is happening?
    What are the consequences of this trend?
    Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this situation. Provide specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.
  3. In some countries prisons are overcrowded which leads to many expenses for the government. To lessen the cost for prisoners’ cost of living, reduced sentences are implemented.
    What do you suggest could be done?
    Provide specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
  4. Some parents allow their teenage children to live independently, away from home. Other parents don’t want their teenage children to live away from them.
    Which do you think is better and why?
    Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.
  5. In some countries, people live with their parents and siblings until their old age.
    Do you think there are more advantages or disadvantages to this behaviour?
    Discuss your opinion and provide specific reasons and examples to support your answer


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