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HomeIELTS Books Improve your IELTS Listening and Speaking Skills

[PDF] Improve your IELTS Listening and Speaking Skills

With Improve Your IELTS Listening and Speaking, this is one of the IELTS books with 2 skills in 1 to help learners improve both listening and speaking at the same time. The book provides a complete way for you to practice IELTS Listening and Speaking test types. In particular, the document also has 2 more CDs with exercises to help you practice to improve listening and speaking skills.

Improve Your IELTS Listening and Speaking includes 10 familiar Units commonly found in the IELTS test, each Unit has 4 parts:

Topic talk: exercises and activities to introduce vocabulary, improve vocabulary and useful ideas for the topic.
Listening skills: exercises and activities to develop skills for questions in the listening sections.
Speaking skills: learners will learn skills such as Discussion or Describe People that combine practice questions and provide detailed vocabulary.
In addition, at the end of the book, there is a Pronunciation section which is very useful in both Listening and Speaking skills.



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