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HomeIELTS WritingWriting Task 1Table #12: The preference of three age groups for different TV programmes...

Table #12: The preference of three age groups for different TV programmes in a European country

Task 01: Table

The table below shows a survey on the preference of three age groups for different TV programmes in a European country in 2012.

Sample Answer :

The table shows the percentages of people who watched different television programs in a European country in 2012. The data is split into three different age categories (11-15, 15-20, 21-25).

Overall, feature films and sports programs were quite popular amongst all age groups and attracted similar percentages of viewers. Meanwhile, news programs and cartoons showed the biggest disparity in the percentages of viewers from the different age groups.

The biggest similarities between the three groups can be seen in the percentages of people who viewed feature films and sports programs. Both programs attracted approximately 20% of viewers from each age group. TV dramas also saw similar percentages from each group, at around 10%.

The biggest differences between viewing preferences of all the age groups were in cartoons and news programs. 29% of 11-15-year-olds watched cartoons, compared with only 4% of 21-25-year-olds. In contrast , 23% of 21-25-yearolds watched news programs, compared to (7) only 6% of 11-15-year-olds. Additionally(8) , while soap operas attracted similar percentages of 11-15-year-olds and 21-25-year-olds (17% and 19%), only 12% of 15-20-year-olds viewed them.

(183 words)


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