
HomeIELTS SpeakingSpeaking Part 2Talk about a time when you received wrong or incorrect information.

Talk about a time when you received wrong or incorrect information.

Sample Answer 1:

Well, the wrong information creates many difficulties in our lives. Sometimes we have to face danger due to incorrect details. So here I would like to talk about a time when I got the wrong information from a website. I described it briefly.

About 3 years ago, my friend sent me an email with the attached link to something. He wrote to me that it is a link to a website where it is an article related to a painting competition. I clicked on that link and a website was opened on my laptop’s screen within a few seconds. I read there a piece of information related to a painting competition at the district level. It was going to organize in an art gallery in my district Moga by district authorities. It was necessary to register for it. So, I registered for this competition because I can paint a variety of paintings. The fees for this painting contest was about 100 rupees. I paid for my credit card. That competition was after ten days.

I started my preparations for performing better in this competition. I did a lot of practice for this. On the day of the competition, I went to Moga via bus and I arrived there at 8.00 A.M. I visited the correct place because I had received the venue from the website. I entered an art gallery named “Preet Arts”.

I asked about this painting competition from reception. The receptionist told me that there is no competition is held. but I have shown them a receipt which I got during registration. To add to it, He explained to me that we have updated the wrong date and month of painting competition by just a mistake as well as We will improve it as soon as possible.

Also, he apologized to me for this inconvenient. I felt so disappointed. All in all, After that moment, I came back to my home. So, that was a time when I received the wrong information about the competition.

Sample Answer 2:

Well, nowadays usually people provide wrong or incorrect information to others. sometimes, we receive wrong through the internet, news, newspaper, and magazines. I also collect incorrect information and face loss. Certain times people also collect incorrect information from advertisements and on the internet.

But, here I would like to talk about a time when I received the wrong information. Approximately, one month ago, I was busy at my sister’s wedding. My mother and father gave me a lot of responsibilities.  At that time, I was very happy. Apart from that, I noticed and enjoyed all the marriage ceremonies. Suddenly, I received my classmate’s call and she told me tomorrow is a mathematics exam. Then, I asked her when the school declared the date sheet. She told me today and she cut the call.

After that, I very worried about my exanimation and told to my mother I want to go home for exam preparation. My mother said to me, ok child. I went home and reached in 1 hour. At that time, I started the exam preparation.

Moreover, I was walk up early in the morning and did the last preparation for the exam. After it, I called my best friend and told her I will come home approximately in 15 minutes. Then, she told me today’s is a holiday. Then I told her no Priya today is a mathematics exam.

Furthermore, she started laughing and asked me who tell you. Then I shared all the matter. Apart from it, she cleared my all confusion. when I realized my classmate gave me wrong information then, I felt very disappointed because I missed my sister’s wedding. After it, I also shared all the situation with my mother and my mother called her mother and complaint about her. That time I received wrong information and learned a lesson do not do blind trust in anyone.

Sample Answer 3:

In the Modern era, wants to increase the knowledge with the help of different sorts of sources. Nowadays there is a plethora of YouTube channels, news, pages, blogs and some other sources of information which guide us by providing information that we want. Certain times can be misleading.

But, now I also talk about an incident when I got incorrect information. I remember 2 months ago when I wanted to buy a laptop for my study and work. Actually, before it, I did work on my brother’s laptop. Although, sometimes I faced some issues related to the laptop. That’s why I wanted to buy my own laptop.

Apart from that, then I searched on Google Map which shops near to home as well as checked the reviews of all the shops. Suddenly, I saw 1 review, in the review we take the laptop on installments and starts from 3000 rupees per month. I was impressed by that because it was in my budget.

After it, I decided to buy a laptop from that shop. Even though, it was approximately 40 minutes away from my house. I still preferred to go there. When I reached there and I told them to show some model of laptops. The salesman showed me different sorts of pieces of the model.

Moreover, I chose the laptop of the hp company. Then, I asked that salesman please explain to me about the installment system. After it, I was stunned when the salesman said that the started installment price of their laptops was 5000 rupees. It was quite expensive for me.

Furthermore, I complained about the information which was on Google. They were not aware of that thing and made me understand that their customer might have mistakenly provided the correct information about the installment system.

At that point, I was disappointed with the wrong information which I got from the internet. I should have called the shop to confirm the matter. I had also wasted so much time there. As I had limited time.

At last, when I understood all the situation and incorrect information. At that time, I felt very bad and I wasted my precious time.

Followups question:

Question: – Does an individual provide inappropriate information to someone in your county

Answer:- well, my country India most people understand the situation of others. Although, few people of my nation provide incorrectly or information to those people who are new to any particular city and do not about properly. For example, my uncle is a very jolly nature person and sometimes he provides incorrect rode information to visitors. Due to it, visitors face a lot of problems during the little joke.

Question:- Do you ever got any kind of incorrect information on the phone call?

Answer:- it is a very interesting question, in my life I received a huge of wrong information on the call. Some information related to jobs, beauty salon service, different types of exhibitions, related to film stars, some government facilities and so on. 2 days ago, I received the wrong information related to the free beauty salon service. When I visited there and asked the receptionist. What types of free facilities provide to customers. Then, she told me we have a combo pack of 1000 but, I think you receive the wrong information related to my beauty salon. That time, I felt very disappointed and embarrassed because I wasted my precious time.

Question:- In the contemporary era, what kinds of wrong information provided on the social site?

Answer:- definitely, in the 21st century, all people depend on the internet and some people also do online jobs as well as, business. Due to it, sometimes, they receive wrong and incorrect information related to different things such as fake online jobs. in it, any fake company provides incorrect information and collects a huge amount of money as a partnership. After it, they show another agreement. Moreover, it also provides incorrect information related to beauty products, study abroad, free education classes and so on.


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