
HomeIELTS SpeakingSpeaking Part 3Two-way discussion : Environmental Problems

Two-way discussion : Environmental Problems

  • What causes environmental problems?
    Well, the environment consists of a wide number of elements including man-made and natural. But most of the cases, the environment is troubled with the activities undertaken by the humans. Besides, there are some other natural disasters that also cause the problems. To make it clearer let’s take some real-life examples. Generally, the environment is made of air, water, soil, rocks, fire, animals, plants, humans, climate and other available elements. The natural environment is also known as the ecosystem and when there is some imbalance in the entire environment, it gets degraded. The imbalances have serious impacts on the environment. The non-environment friendly activities like rapid changes in the technological sectors, engineering, transportation, shipping industries, mills and factories, increased use of metals and plastic in home and offices, changes in the manufacturing sectors, wide use of chemicals and pesticides on food crops, indiscriminate deforestation, mining etc. are responsible for the degradation. As a direct result of the environmental problem, each of its elements is getting affected directly. The climate has started changing while the natural disasters are appearing more frequently than the past days. You know, earlier there were six seasons on the planet earth but now the seasons have been reduced. Besides, the many of the wildlife species have been extinct as they lost their space owing deforestation. Moreover, due to global warming for the increased use of chemicals and gases, the sea level is on the rise which is also a great environmental disorder and may bring a disastrous impact on the low-lying countries of the world.

  • What should the government do to protect the environment?
    A government is the sole and legal body of the country that owns the right to make decisions about any issues and thus the government can do lots of things to protect the environment inside its legal boundary. It just needs to formulate the necessary rules and regulations and implement them in the right manner. Besides, a mass awareness against the environmental degradations should be formed so that people could abide by the law. Moreover, some practical actions should also be taken like polluter pay the fine. In this way, the one who pollutes the environment should pay taxes to reduce the damages caused towards the environment. It should be kept in consideration that once the damage is done to the environment, it cannot be undone anymore but we can reduce the extent of the damage. So, the government may formulate principles and rules which comply with the situations and inspire all in protecting the environment. Raising public awareness is one of the most important factors in the protection of the environment and it should be emphasised more and more. It is not possible for the government alone to solve all the problems rather it needs assistive hands to support the initiatives. Additionally, the government could also arrange for regular monitoring of the activities if they are functioning well or needs improvement.

  • What should we do to protect the environment?
    It’s a very good question. There are a large number of steps which we could adapt to protect the environment. Usually, goods and products are produced for consumption. So, we should check before consuming if those goods or services are produced in an environment-friendly manner. If the goods are non-friendly to the environment, we should start rejecting the products. Secondly, we need to be aware of the negative consequences of environmental degradation. We are to keep in mind that if the environment is degraded or polluted, in the long run, we are to suffer the consequences. With the name of development, we are cutting down forests and marching towards a new era of modernization. But we never think that the deforestation is damaging the environment and gradually warming the planet which will raise the sea levels and after a certain time the earth will be uninhabitable for all. We are polluting the air, water and the soils. We throw our wastes here and there which pollute the soil. Oil spinning, the mixture of chemicals from industrial wastes, throwing wastes into water etc. are causing water pollution. So, we have to check the things and never act like foolish by throwing such materials in open space or in places that could damage the environment. Besides, if there is any state regulation about the environmental protection, we should abide by the directives.

  • What other measures can you think of to protect the environment?
    Environmental protection is a large issue and it is impossible for the government’s monitoring agencies to check all the places at a time if there is the violation of environmental protection rules. So, the responsibilities are on the shoulder of the commoners. Only raising public awareness is not enough to prevent the environmental problems. I think the issue of environmental protection should be injected to the young generation and it could be done by adding the issue to their curriculum and textbooks. Besides, massive consciousness-raising campaigns should also be initiated. Sometimes there are some conferences and meetings held over the environment protection but no traces were found about the outcomes of those events. If the decisions of those events are implemented and outcomes are regularly monitored in respective regions where the events took place, then it would be nicer. Long-term social campaigns could also be initiated on mass media so that the commoners become aware of the environmental issues. Sometimes, the campaigns should be undertaken with an interval and thus it will be effective to remind people of the environmental problems.

  • How should we educate children to protect the environment?
    Well, as I said before that environmental issues should be included in the texts of the kids, it will be helpful for them to know about the environment and the types of disorders it experiences. The texts will be illustrated with simple descriptions of the types of pollution, natural and man-made hazards, causes of pollution and other necessary things to make the children aware of environmental degradation. The texts should be made clear to the students by some well-trained teachers as they could entirely comprehend the meaning and velocity of the environmental issues. Gradually, when they will be aware of the issues, they will start taking responsibilities by them to prevent the environmental pollution and other associated problems.

  • What’s the difference between the old and the young as regards environmental protection?
    Yes, there are some basic differences here. The young people are inexperienced with the issue of environmental protection. They did not meet with such issues before while the old or senior people have seen numerous environmental degradation issues and some of them also can testify few of the major disaster that they have experienced in their early days. Since the young generation is not familiar with the disastrous impacts of the environmental degradation, they cannot imagine the real situation while the older people can comprehend it completely. As a result, the old people are always aware of the issue and always try to protect the environment by all possible means for them. On the other side, the young people are almost reluctant over the protection issue and keep spoiling the environment by all possible means. They perform the acts frequently which cause damage the environment. They are in fact not serious over the issue as they needed to be like the experienced people.


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