The chart below shows the expenditure of two countries on consumer goods in 2010
Write at least 150 words. You may spend 20 minutes to complete the task.

The bar chart provides information on five different areas of expenditure in the UK and France in 2010.
Relatively more money was spent by the UK on cars, books and cameras than France. On the former category, the UK spent just over 450,000 pounds, whereas France used about 55,000 pounds less. For books, the expenditure gap widened, but both countries expended less than they did on cars: approximately 400,000 and 300,000 pounds for the UK and France, respectively. The margin in spending was the largest for cameras, with the figure for France being more than two times smaller (150,000 pounds) than that for the UK (slightly over 350,000 pounds).
However, France’s expense on computers and perfume was higher than the UK’s. About 380,000 pounds was spent by France on computers as opposed to 350,000 pounds by the UK, but the amounts for perfume were a lot lower with the respective figures of 200,000 and just under 150,000 pounds.
Overall, the UK spent more money on cars, books and cameras, whereas France did so on the other two categories: computers and perfume. It is also apparent that both these nations used the most money on automobiles, and the biggest difference in expenditure was recorded in cameras.
205 words