
HomeIELTS WritingWriting Task 2Writing Task 2: The tendency of human beings to copy one another is...

Writing Task 2: The tendency of human beings to copy one another is shown in the popularity of areas such as fashion and consumer goods

Writing Task 2

The tendency of human beings to copy one another is shown in the popularity of areas such as fashion and consumer goods. To what extent do you agree?

Sample Answer

Human beings have always been seen in a hovering contest among each other since time immemorial. Some people consider this tendency of comparison and copying one another to be even more profound in certain sectors such as fashion and consumer goods. I agree with this notion. In the paragraphs to follow, I shall be elucidating my perspectives on this school of thought

This practice of comparing, juxtaposition, and then superimposition has been a general disposition of human beings, and they relentlessly keep on imitating each other in various streams of life. The areas of fashion, consumer durables, and confectionery items usage are the most pronounced among all other areas of competition and comparison. The major reason for this is the showing-off and the sense of animosity associated with it. In addition to that, the sublime sense of superiority and inferiority has aggravated this emulation and aping of each other. These materialistic aspects are often seen in the highest regard by the people today, and the cases of people going all the way beyond their capacities to get in sync with the trends are rife.

Other instances of people copying and aping one another are primarily spotted in the cases of the brands and companies. Right from the dress one dons to the wallet one carries or the branded shoes one sets one’s feet into, everything is seen enveloping the sense of comparison. This causes huge indirect comparison and emulation amongst people. Moreover, this has been the major driving force for the brands and items to proliferate, and this has been the primary cause for their plain sailing. In addition to that, the sales offers, discount promos, and buyer’s persona have all been germinated through the seed of copying each other that yet again buds from the competition of materialistic possessions.

Some people would say that such copying and contrasting is also seen in other streams other than fashion and consumer durables. However, such cases are more defined in the streams of fad and fashion.

Conclusively, we may thus say that people copy each other to a great extent and tend to break free of their intellectual capabilities to make themselves parallel to others’ set standards.

Structure of the essay

You were given an opinion essay which means you had to pick a side.

So, do you agree that the tendency of human beings to copy one another is shown in the popularity of areas such as fashion and consumer goods?


Do you disagree with the statement that the tendency of human beings to copy one another is shown in the popularity of areas such as fashion and consumer goods?

Once you pick a side, you can start planning your essay and then writing it.

Don’t forget to state your opinion on it.


Question Paraphrased– Human beings have always been seen in a hovering contest among each other since time immemorial. Some people consider this tendency of comparison and copying one another to be even more profound in certain sectors such as fashion and consumer goods.

Opinion: I agree with this notion.

A thesis statement- In the paragraphs to follow, I shall be elucidating my perspectives on this school of thought.

Body paragraph 1

Central idea: The practice of comparing and copying is very common among people.

Supporting points:

• This practice of comparing, juxtaposition, and then superimposition has been a general disposition of human beings and they relentlessly keep on imitating each other in various streams of life.

• The areas of fashion, consumer durables, and confectionery items usage are the most pronounced among all other areas of competition and comparison.

The major reason for this is the showing-off and the sense of animosity associated with it.

• The sublime sense of superiority and inferiority has aggravated this emulation and aping of each other.

• These materialistic aspects are often seen in the highest regard by the people today and the cases of people going all the way beyond their capacities to get in sync with the trends are rife.

Body paragraph 2

Central idea: Imitation of trends and fashion among each other is even seen in the brands and materialistic aspects.

Supporting points:

• Other instances of people copying and aping one another are primarily spotted in the cases of the brands and companies. Right from the dress one dons to the wallet one carries or the branded shoes one sets one’s feet into, everything is seen enveloping the sense of comparison and strutting.

• This causes huge indirect comparison and emulation amongst people. Moreover, this has been the major driving force for the brands and items to proliferate and this has been the primary cause for their plain-sailing.

• The sales offers, discount promos, and buyer’s persona have all been germinated through the seed of copying each other that yet again buds from the competition of materialistic possessions.

Conclusion: Conclusively, we may thus say that people copy each other to a great extent and tend to break free of their intellectual capabilities to make themselves parallel to others’ set standards.


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