
HomeIELTS SpeakingVocabularyCollocations & idioms: Topic Travelling

Collocations & idioms: Topic Travelling

Collocations & idioms: Topic Travelling in IELTS Speaking

1. Travel agent
Definition: When commencing a trip at a remote place and often requiring long-distance means of transportation such as airplanes or trains, many people tend to contact travel agents to make arrangements for their journeys. me. These travel agents, be it a person, group or company, are in English called “travel agent” – a compound noun combining both single nouns “travel” and “agent”. . When applying this collocations to the sentence, the candidate can add appropriate verbs such as contact a travel agent, book something with (put something through) a travel agent, …

For example:

Question (Q): How do you plan and prepare for your holiday?

Answer (A): Actually, whenever my family has a trip, my sister will be responsible for setting up travel agendas and I will take care of everyone’s flight tickets. However, as a restaurant manager, I-usually have time to go to the airport to buy tickets since quite’s far from my address. That’s why I often contact my favorite travel agent to simplify this process. Booking a flight with a travel agent can benefit my time since I just need to dial visiting them through telephone or email without directly their office.

2. Business trip
Definition: This is a compound noun, combining the nouns “business” and “trip”, this collocations denoting a business trip. Some suitable verbs that may be combined with this phrase are take, make, go on, be (away) on, …

For example:

Q: Is there any difference in enjoyment between a business trip and a vacation?

A: In my opinion, going on vacation allows travelers to enjoy their trip to the fullest since the main purposes of vacations are to relax and get away from it all. , Business trips require people to WL accomplish some of the company’s assigned duties before returning home. Hence, going on a business trip is similar to going to work, just in a different location. That’s why taking a business trip is usually less enjoyable and more stressful than going on a vacation.

3. Checked baggage / carry-on baggage
Definition: When traveling by plane, customers will often choose between checking in or carrying their baggage on hand. In English, checked baggage means checked baggage, while carry-on baggage is carry-on baggage. When applied, this topic collocations act as nouns in the sentence.

Besides, when it comes to luggage, many learners get confused between the two words “luggage” and “baggage”. However in this case, the two words above have similar meanings and the biggest difference is that luggage is often used by in British English, while baggage is more popular in Anglo-American.

For example:

Q: What are the problems of long-distance traveling?

A: As an assistant manager, I often take business trips to foreign countries such as Malaysia, Philippines. One of the problems that I think we should all notice is the safety of our luggage. Passengers of long-haul flights usually prefer checked luggage rather than carry-on. And since checked luggage is sometimes lost or damaged, we should pack our luggage carefully with our contact information written on it before checking it in.

4. Peak season / Low season
Definition: During holidays, festivals or festivals, summer, tourist destinations often attract a lot of tourists to play. These peak tourist seasons in English are called peak season, with the adjective “peak” being the peak. In contrast, the low season for tourist, not many tourists is called low season, with the adjective “low” indicates low state, not high.

For example:

Q: What is the best season to travel in your country?

A: According to my observation, spring and summer will be the two most ideal seasons to travel in my country. The weather during these seasons is lovely and there are often seasonal festivals held at these times. However, since these seasons are the peak season, many people will flock to tourist spots to visit. Therefore, we like to travel in the low season because the attractions are not often packed with too many tourists.

5. Tourist hotspot (s)
Definition: These collocations are used to refer to famous tourist attractions that attract large numbers of visitors. This is a compound noun that combines the nouns “tourist” and the noun “hotspot” (hotspot, attraction).

For example:

Q: What is the best place you have visited?

A: Well, this is a tough question since I have been to many wonderful places. But if I have to choose my most favorite destination, I will definitely go for Eiffel Tower, the most well-known tourist hotspot in France. Being able to explore the top of the world-famous tower was my once-in-a-lifetime experience.

6. Tourist trap
Definition: In English, “trap” is a verb with a noun, meaning to trap or set a trap. Quite similar to this, “tourist trap” collocations are used to refer to crowded attractions built with entertainment or souvenir businesses at an expensive price to exploit money. of visitors.

For example:

Q: What kind of places have you visited in your life?

A: I know about others, but as for me, I would prefer secluded areas which haven has been exploited much. These places always give me a great sense of comfort and peace, while traveling to famous destinations can possibly cause anger since there are too many tourist traps.

My mom told me to ask local residents about tourist attractions so as to avoid tourist traps.

7. Have wanderlust
Definition: In English, “wander” refers to the act of wandering, while the noun “lust” refers to desires and desires. When combined, “wanderlust” is a noun that expresses a desire to travel. This collocations to express the passion for traveling can use the phrase “have wanderlust”.

For example:

Q: Who do you often travel with?

A: I have a huge passion for traveling, and my travel mate is my father, who also has wanderlust. What’s special about my father is that despite the fact that he is 30 years older than me, he is always full of energy and always invigorates me when we travel.

8. Sample local cuisine
Definition: “Sample” is commonly known as a noun, meaning sample. However, this is also a verb just to try a small amount of food and drink to see if you like it. As such, this collocations only act to sample local cuisine.

For example:

Q: What would you recommend a foreigner to visit in your country?

A: One thing that I’m always wanted to tell many foreigners is that apart from “Pho”, Vietnamese cuisine is very diverse with the appearance of many other tasty dishes such as spring rolls or Hue-style beef noodles. Therefore, sampling Vietnamese cuisine should be part and parcel of their trips.

9. Holiday of a lifetime
Definition: The phrase “of a lifetime” is used to refer to amazing experiences, moments or events as if it had only happened once in a lifetime. Thus, the collocations “holiday of a lifetime” is a noun that refers to a beautiful, one-time vacation.

For example:

Q: Where was the last place you visited on holiday?

A: If my memory serves me right, the last time I traveled was one month ago during the holiday. My family and I visited Singapore for 3 days and I have to say this trip was definitely the holiday of a lifetime. The food was delicious, the view was outstanding and the local people were extremely friendly.


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