
HomeIELTS SpeakingSpeaking Part 2-AudioDescribe a couple you know who have a happy marriage (Part 2/3)

Describe a couple you know who have a happy marriage (Part 2/3)

Describe a couple you know who have a happy marriage – IELTS Speaking Part 2 topic of Family & Marriage. As we can see, this is not a strange topic for candidates, because it not only appears specifically in 1 part but can appear in all 3 parts.

Describe a couple you know who have a happy marriage.

You should say:

  • Who they are
  • How you know them
  • What they usually do together

And how you feel about their marriage.

Sample Answer

Well, my parents are a couple that lead a happy married life, so I’m going to talk about them today.

It comes as no surprise that I knew them since I was born into this world, and it has been over 28 years since, which also means that they are about to celebrate their 30th anniversary very soon.

What is interesting to me is that despite being married for a long time, they still enjoy each other’s company and take delight in doing things together. For example, it is like a tradition for them to travel, and by that I mean traveling just the two of them, twice a year. In our daily life, they often cook together and try out new recipes that they see on the Internet.

I find this particularly adorable because after they have done cooking, we, as their children, often have to give feedback and share what we think. If we don’t like it, they often joke around by saying that the other person has messed up a part and that the other person should have listened to him or her.

Also, at weekends, they will go to the park and exercise together. They love jogging and hanging out with their friends there.

I really admire their marriage, mainly because of their subtle way of showing love and care for one another, even though many years has passed.. For isntance, when my mom goes out to catch up with her friends, she always brings home some food to share with my dad. Meanwhile, my dad is the one preparing dinner for their anniversary every year when my mom doesn’t even remember their special day.

I think those little details are the key to their lasting marriage. I do hope that I can have a married life like theirs when I get older.

Another Sample

Speaking Part 3: Wedding & Happy marriage

1. If you are 35 years old without marriage, do you still wait for your true love? Why?

I know this is a cliché but I believe in the so-called destiny. I honestly think the right person will come into my life when the time is right. So, if I’m still single by the time I’m 35, I won’t settle down for the wrong reasons like worry about age or social pressure. I’d be happily hanging in there and waiting for the right one.

2. Who will pay for the wedding cost? Man or woman or both? Why?

It is my opinion that, ideally, both the groom and the bride should shoulder the wedding expenses. To the best of my knowledge, weddings generally cost a ton of money because there are a lot of expenses to cover. So, if both people can share the financial burden when preparing for their wedding, there will be less pressure.

3. Do you think weddings in your countries waste lots of money?

I cannot speak for the majority of weddings in my country, but I personally think the answer is yes. I have seen numerous pictures of Vietnamese couples who throw lavish ceremonies and parties that last for days. Everything included in such occasions, from food, beverages to decorations, among others, often comes at a prohibitively high price. I think this stems from the belief that weddings are a once-in-a-lifetime event and it should be celebrated in the most memorable way possible.

4. In a traditional family in your country, what male do in the family? And what about female? Why?

Well, traditionally, the husband is usually the breadwinner and as such, he has to bear the responsibility of bringing home money to raise his family. Meanwhile, the wife is usually in charge of all the housework like cleaning, doing the laundry or cooking. That’s how things normally were in the past but, in modern society, many households are dual-income families where both the husband and the wife join the labor force to earn money, and so household responsibilities can be split differently between them.


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