
HomeIELTS SpeakingSpeaking Part 2Describe an activity you do for your health or fitness

Describe an activity you do for your health or fitness

You should say:

  • what you do
  • how often you do it
  • where you do it
  • and explain how you think this activity helps you stay healthy or fit.

Band 9.0 Model Answer

Staying in good shape is everyone’s concern and I am no exception. To be honest, I have been so caught up in my study since I entered university that I have a problem in organizing my daily routine. However, I have been participating in a yoga class for about 2 years, which takes me only 1 hour a day, to try to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Unlike dancing or running, yoga definitely involves stretching actions. You might look at yoga and think that it is light and easy but it is more demanding than it appears. Yoga allows me to work on all the parts of my body. It can burn a lot of calories in just one hour of training. Also, it enhances my flexibility and suppleness in every single movement.

What I enjoy the most about yoga is meditation. It is all about regulating your breathing and helping you take things off your mind easily. Another thing is that doing yoga is supposed to be good for curing headaches and digestion related problems, so it benefits not only physical well-being but also mental health.

By maintaining a schedule of taking part in the yoga class on a daily basis, I feel extremely relaxed and full of energy after the class. It helps me to keep fit and refresh my mind after a long stressful day. And of course, I don’t see myself stopping practicing this activity any time soon.


  • in good shape: [expression] the good physical condition of someone.
    • Example: For a man of his age, he is in good shape.
  • caught up: [phrasal verb] completely involved in something.
    • Example: He was so caught up in the TV program, that he forgot to do his homework.
  • stretching actions: [noun] actions which make your muscles stronger by exercises in which you extend your arms and legs.
    • Example: When I get up in the morning, I do some stretching actions to exercise the muscles in my arms.
  • demanding: [adjective] needing a lot of effort.
    • Example: The work of a farmer is physically very demanding.
  • work on: [phrasal verb] try hard to improve something, or how something functions.
    • Example: She works on her yoga skills by practising the exercises every day.
  • burn a lot of calories: [expression] use up a lot of energy [that comes from the food we eat].
    • Example: One reason why people do exercise is to burn a lot of calories and lose weight.
  • flexibility: [noun] the ability to move and bend your body easily.
    • Example: Regular exercise helps older people to maintain their flexibility, especially by stretching their muscles.
  • suppleness: [noun] the ability to move and bend your body into different positions – it is a synonym for flexibility.
    • Example: Different yoga movements develop suppleness in different muscles.
  • meditation: [noun] thinking deeply in silence, to make you feel calm.
    • Example: To help you to relax, try meditation after a stressful day at work.
  • regulating your breathing: [expression] controlling the way in which you breathe in and out.
    • Example: An important part of learning how to swim is regulating your breathing.
  • take things off your mind: [expression] forget things which are causing you anxiety or stress.
    • Example: After an exam, I usually have a short holiday, to take things off my mind and enjoy myself.
  • cure: [verb] make an illness go away.
    • Example: The website advertises a new drug for curing AIDS.
  • digestion: [noun] the process of changing the food you eat into substances that the body can use.
    • Example: Unlike cows or horses, the digestion of grass is impossible for humans.
  • well-being: [noun] general health and happiness.
    • Example: The company tries to ensure the well-being of its employees by providing good working conditions.
  • schedule: [noun] a plan that lists all the things that you have to do and when you must do them.
    • Example: For the next few days, I have a busy schedule, which includes my yoga class each morning.
  • I don’t see myself stopping: [expression] I don’t think that I will stop.
    • Example: I don’t see myself stopping working in the next 10 years because I have to support my family.
  • any time soon: [expression] in the near future, soon.
    • Example: I should receive the exam results any time soon – perhaps tomorrow.


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