
HomeIELTS Ideas Education

[IELTS Ideas] Education

Benefits of Education

  • Education gives people knowledge and skills
  • People with qualification are more likely to find work
  • They can earn a higher salary
  • They can contribute positively to society
  • Schools aim to teach young people moral values such as tolerance and sharing
  • Schools prepare children to be members of a society

Benefits of Studying Abroad

  • Foreign institutions may offer better courses
  • Many students want to attend a prestigious university
  • The best universities employ teachers who are experts in their fields
  • Qualifications gained abroad can open the door to better job opportunities
  • Living abroad can broaden students’ horizons
  • Overseas students are exposed to different cultures and
  • They become more independent
  • They are responsible for cooking, cleaning and paying bills
  • They will learn a foreign language

Drawback of Studying Abroad

  • Living and studying abroad can be difficult
  • Students have problems with paperwork such as visa applications
  • The language barrier can be a problem
  • Students have to find accommodation and pay bills
  • Studying in a foreign language is challenging
  • Living alone in an unfamiliar culture can cause homesickness

Technology in Education: Advantages

  • Technology is a powerful tool to engage students
  • Technology can make lessons much more interesting
  • Students can do research using online resources
  • Students can study at their own place
  • Adults can take distance learning courses
  • Students can study whenever and wherever they want
  • Students also learn skills which are useful for their future jobs
  • For example, they learn to write reports using a word processor


Technology in Education: Disadvantages

  • People rely too much on computers
  • Young learners do not become proficient in some basic skills
  • They use word processors and spelling may suffer
  • People should be able to write a letter by hand
  • Technology is no substitute for a real teacher
  • Learners need a structured course
  • An experienced teacher knows what materials to choose
  • Computers are expensive to maintain and can be unreliable

Technology in Education: Opinion

  • Institutions should supplement traditional teaching with the use of technology
  • Technology is part of everyday life
  • It can enhance a teacher’s lessons
  • Students can use online resources to help with homework
  • Students must still learn to write by hand
  • They should still use traditional sources of information such as books

Education in Developing Countries: Problems

  • Children often have to work from an early age
  • There are no schools in many areas
  • Families do not have access to books or computers
  • Literacy rates are often low
  • People in developing countries need knowledge and skills
  • Education is the key to improving the economy of these countries

Education in Developing Countries: Solutions

  • Developed countries could help developing nations by providing money
  • They could invest in schools and technology
  • They could supply the funds to build schools and pay for teachers
  • Children need to have access to free schooling
  • Computer equipment could be donated
  • The Internet can expose students to a world of knowledge and information
  • Governments should make education compulsory for all children
  • They should encourage parents to send their children to school
  • Governments of developed and developing countries must work together


Higher Education: Advantages (also see ‘Benefits of Education’)

  • There are many benefits to going to university
  • A degree can open the door to better employment prospects
  • Economies are becoming increasingly knowledge-based
  • Most jobs require specific knowledge and skills
  • Skilled workers are needed for sectors such as information technology and engineering
  • Repetitive manual jobs are now done by machine
  • Many factories have moved to developing countries


Higher Education: Disadvantages

  • A healthy economy needs a wide range of workers
  • Some manual workers will always be needed
  • A university degree is not necessary for many service professions
  • Practical training is more important in some industries
  • In the UK, for example, there is currently a shortage of plumbers
  • Their services are therefore becoming more and more expensive

Advantage of Home-schooling

  • Some parents decide to educate their children at home
  • Some families live in isolated areas with poor transport
  • Other parents are not satisfied with local schools
  • Parents can respond to what their children need and how they learn best
  • One-to-one lessons allow much faster progress
  • The child can work at his or her own pace
  • Discipline problems are avoided by home-schooling

Disadvantages of home-schooling

  • Most parents do not have the time to educate their children at home
  • One parent would need to give up work
  • School subjects are normally taught by up to ten different teachers
  • Most parents do not have the necessary knowledge or resources
  • Private tutors are expensive
  • Children will miss out on the social experience that school offers
  • At school, children learn how to get on with each other
  • Home-schooled children may lack social skills
  • Schools offer a better overall educational experience


Bad Behavior in Schools: Causes

  • Bad behavior is due to a lack of structure and discipline
  • There are too many children in some classes
  • Large classes are difficult to manage
  • May disruptive students come from an unstable family background
  • Other parents are too lenient and spoil their children
  • Some children are used to getting whatever they want
  • Schools can do very little if they are not supported by parents


Bad Behavior in Schools: Solutions

  • Schools need a clear code of conduct
  • Schools need a clear set of rules about behavior
  • They need to create a positive working atmosphere
  • Teachers must have the power to punish disruptive students
  • Schools should remove difficult children from lessons
  • Schools need to work closely with parents
  • Discipline could be lacking at home
  • Parents must support the school rules
  • They should take responsibility for their children’s behavior

Corporal Punishment: Opinion

  • Corporal Punishment is not a good idea
  • Physical punishment is a way of controlling children using fear
  • This does not promote trust between adults and children
  • Children who are punished physically may become shy or resentful
  • Corporal punishment creates an atmosphere of fear and anger

Single Sex Education: Advantages

  • Some people believe that male and female students should go to separate schools
  • This is often for religious or cultural reasons
  • Discipline problems might be avoided by separating boys and girls
  • Boys and girls may learn in different ways and have different needs
  • Student at single-sex schools often get better exam


Single-sex Education: Disadvantages

  • Separating boys and girls is unnecessary
  • It is unhealthy in terms of children’s social development
  • Many coeducational schools are extremely successful
  • A mixed-sex environment is more representative of real life
  • Coeducational schools provide children with better social skills for adult life

Advantages of Streaming (Grouping Children According to Ability)

  • Some schools separate students according to their academic ability
  • Teachers can work at the right speed for their students
  • Teachers can plan more suitable lessons
  • High-level groups may progress faster
  • Lower level groups can benefits from a slower pace
  • Some teachers and parents support streaming for these reasons

Disadvantages of Streaming

  • Grouping by ability may have a negative impact on students
  • Children do not want to be seen as less intelligent than others
  • Streaming could damage students’ self esteem
  • They may lose motivation
  • Students from wealthier families tend to be better prepared
  • Children from poorer families may receive less support from parents
  • Mixed ability classes encourage everyone to achieve their


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