
HomeIELTS SpeakingSpeaking Part 1IELTS Speaking Part 1 : Topic Studies

IELTS Speaking Part 1 : Topic Studies

Topic Studies

1. Are you a student or are you working?

I am currently pursuing my MBA from IIM, Ahmedabad and will graduate in the Spring of 2022. I am majoring in marketing and am really passionate about my field of work. It is a reputed institute and I look forward to a bright future!

2. Why did you choose that subject?

I have always been interested in marketing and have done my BBA before enrolling for an MBA. My subject has lucrative career opportunities and the work is very challenging, which I really enjoy.

3. What do you find most interesting about your course?

I find studying marketing strategy fascinating. The subject has a lot of case studies that give me insight about how the corporate world actually works and it is a brilliant learning opportunity. This semester, I had a group project in which my group and I were supposed to find the reasons behind the failure of a hotel in our area. When we spoke to the hotel manager, we were able to analyse and solve their problem and got a discount at their restaurant as a bonus! So it was a very interesting experience and I am very fond of this subject.

4. What do you dislike about your study?

There is nothing in particular that I dislike, but sometimes the schedule can be very hectic. For example, last week I had three presentations on the same day and the previous day was very exhausting because my group and I were rehearsing our presentations and could hardly get any sleep at night!

5. What do you hope to do after your graduation?

After my graduation, I hope to work as a Process Consultant at a prestigious consulting firm in India. Then after gaining some experience and building a good network, I plan to follow the entrepreneurial path by starting my own business consulting company.6. What are the advantages of studying instead of working? I believe that being a student gives you the freedom to plan your future and strengthen your skill sets. These opportunities may be more difficult for working professionals as it is difficult for them to take time out of their busy schedules for self-improvement. For instance, before joining MBA, I found it very difficult to manage office and CAT preparation, but now as a full-time student, it is relatively easy for me to research about my target companies and prepare for job interviews.


  1. […] What subjects are you studying?Do you like your subject?Why did you choose to study that subject?Is it very interesting?Do you prefer to study in the mornings or in the afternoons?Are you looking forward to working?What technology do you use when you study?What work do you do?Why did you choose to do that type of work (or that job)?Do you like your job?—————Model Answer: WORK OR STUDIES […]

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