- Why do you think people volunteer?
I believe there could be several reasons for people volunteering. Some people volunteer because they feel for the cause and want to do something about it. There are some who volunteer because volunteering teaches you a lot. You learn team work, leadership, patience, organizing things and so much more. - Would you like to work as a volunteer?
Definitely yes. I would love to work as a volunteer for an organization related to education, because I do feel that this is something that every individual has a right to have, but very few are able to get the quality education. Anyone who initiates it in some way, I would volunteer. Or may be in some time, start it off on my own. - Have you ever done any volunteer work?
Yes, I was a volunteer for a group named Soften in our organization. The group organizes lot of activities for the under privileged children and I was part of their three day workshop. During that period, lot of kids from the adoption homes and other sections of society came and it was great to listen to them, their stories, their experiences and so much more. - Is volunteering worth the time it takes?
Yes it is. I believe it is more of two way relation where the more you give, the more you gain. There is so much of experience that comes along with it, so much you get to learn and so much of excitement that it makes up for the effort it takes. - What could you do to help if you had no money?
Helping has nothing to do with money. May be I cannot give someone the money but I can surely give what I have, like my knowledge, my experience, the things that I have learnt. It is great to be able to share your knowledge and for the one who receives it, it is surely a pure joy. - What personalities and qualities are required for being a volunteer?
I think the first and most important quality of a volunteer is enthusiasm. They must be energetic and interested in what they are doing. Besides, they should not think about money because they don’t normally get paid when joining voluntary programs. - Do you think people nowadays should volunteer more?
Well, I think it depends on people’s preference and we shouldn’t force anyone to participate in voluntary activities just because we think it’s good. But I do believe that people should be encouraged to do more good deeds in their life. Because giving is receiving and it helps build a supportive community. - How does modern technologies assist volunteers and volunteering experiences?
You know, technology development and its widespread use help people easily approach volunteer recruitment announcements. It can be posted on social media where there are a lot of users, so there will be more people signing in. Besides, the registration process is also easy and time-saving. People just need to stay at home, then fill in and submit an online form. - What benefits other than personal satisfaction could you personally get by volunteering?
Volunteering has its own great advantages. It increases your social and relationship skills, it helps you make more friends and in some way be more connected with your society. Even more, it helps counteracts the effects of stress, anger and anxiety. Some believe it also helps in fighting depression. Then there are people who are alone, like the older people, volunteering gives them the sense or purpose for life. - Can a volunteer be treated the same as paid staff?
I think it is quite a tough thing to do. Because, a volunteer is more often selected more easily as compared to a paid staff. There is certain skill set that is required, but with volunteer it is less of risk. It might be possible that a volunteer makes a mistake but with a paid staff the chances should be less. - Should you volunteer if your main reason is to benefit monetarily or materialistically?
I think, at the first place, the main motive for volunteering should always be to benefit others. However, if one thinks of it in a monetarily or materialistically manner and does it, I think they still should do it. Because at the end both sides gain a lot.