
HomeIELTS SpeakingPractice TestIELTS Speaking Practice: Topic Relationships

IELTS Speaking Practice: Topic Relationships

In this post, we discuss IELTS speaking: topic Relationships with sample answers.

The first you need to review the vocabulary below:

IELTS Speaking Vocabulary : Relationships

Practice Test

IELTS Speaking Part 1

Topic: Friendship

Do you see your friends very often?

You: Well, I used to hang out with my friends at least twice a week because we enjoyed each other’s company & had a lot in common to talk about, but I am in last year of university now, so I am very busy with my study. For that reason, I don’t often have the chance to spend quality time with my friends any more.

Do you like to spend time with friends?

Yes absolutely. Usually, I spend much time with my friends. When we get together we have fun and learn to understand each other’s personalities.

Do you usually have conflicts with your friends?

Conflict is inevitable in every relationship. But I always try to maintain a healthy relationship to avoid drifting apart from my friends

Do you have a best friend?

I have a few best friends. Our friendship goes back years to when we were still young. Although they are by no means my flesh & blood, they are like sisters to me who always help me out in every matter.

How would you describe a “good relationship”?

I would say that all relationships have ups & downs but if you are on good terms with your friends, you can get over it & keep in touch with each other, and always try to work at the relationship to make it a long-lasting friendship.

Do you ever help a friend by giving advice?

Topic: Family

Do you live with your family?

Yes, I live in an extended family with my grandparents, parents & my younger brother.

How are you getting on with your parents?

I have to say that I’m the apple of my parent’s eyes. They always take care of me and give me helpful advice whenever I get into trouble.

Do you prefer to spend time with your family or with your friends?

On one hand, I always try to keep in touch & work at the relationship with my friends who I care for. On the other hand, I spend as much quality family time as I can to maintain our close knit family tradition.

Is family very important for you?

Of course, family is my first priority. They are my flesh and blood and always there to support me

If you were married, how many children would you choose to have?

If I decide to tie the knot and settle down, I will start a family when my husband & I see eye to eye on how many children we choose to have. For me, I prefer to have one daughter & son so I can raise them without being afraid of economic pressure.

IELTS Speaking Part 2

Describe a person you are very close to.

You should say:

  • who this person is
  • when you met them
  • where you met them
  • and say what it is about them you like so much.

Sample Answer 

Well, I would like to talk about my soulmate Jess, who used to be my classmate in high school. She was one of the most impressive friends of mine and a really talented person.

I can say that our friendship goes back years when we were little kids. Being a gregarious girl, she was the person who started our very first conversation and then we stroke up our relationship and quickly hit it off with each other. I have to admit that I really enjoy Jess’s company because we can share a lot of things with each other have had a lot in common, which makes us can talk all day long.

For me, Jess is one of the most wonderful girls on earth. I feel that Van was really diligent. I still remember she was always the first to come and the last to leave our class though she was a grade-A student in the class. I was encouraged as well. She often told me that genius comes from one percent of inspiration and ninety-nine per cent of perspiration, and I really admire and appreciate her diligence and responsibility. What amazed me more was that she was so versatile. In addition to being an excellent student, she was also talented and good in other fields. For example, she was proficient in English and Japanese; she excels in playing the piano, and more surprisingly, she was even good at calligraphy. How impressive that was!

I’m constantly amazed by her open-mindedness – she’s never judgmental. I wish I could be like that. But she’s very reliable – if I call her or give her a message, she always responds. We’ve always got on well and we hardly ever fall out with each other.

Personally, she was the one I always wanted to be, and she set a good example for me to follow.

All in all, those are the reasons why when I read the question that you gave me, Jess is the first person that came to my mind.

IELTS Speaking Part 3

Question 1: Do you think marriage is still as important as ever?

From my perspective, marriage is always a turning point for anybody. In my country, when a couple falls heads over heels in love with each other, they will tie the knot to show their commitment and to demonstrate that they are ready to start a family and go through ups and downs with each other.

Question 2: Is it important to keep in contact with our friends when we’re in a relationship?

Sure … it’s so easy to drift apart from your friends when you fall in love. But we always need to have friends’ companies so try to keep in touch with them by spending weekends to hang out, writing some letters for them each month or giving them small gifts to cement the relationship.


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