
HomeIELTS WritingWriting Task 1Line Graph #11 - The number of enquiries received by the Tourist...

Line Graph #11 – The number of enquiries received by the Tourist by the Tourist Information Office

The graph below shows the number of enquiries received by the Tourist Information Office
in one city over a six-month period in 2011.

Sample answer

The line chart illustrates the number of inquiries sent to the Tourist Information Office in a particular
city via three means of communication, between January and June in 2011.

It is clear that visitors to the city made more inquires in person and via telephone, while written letters
and emails became the least common choices. Additionally, the number of enquiries in person
experienced the most dramatic change among the different options.

In January, the Tourist Information Office received 900 telephone enquiries, while just under 800
letters and emails were received. Not many tourists chose to ask for information in person, with just
over 400 queries. Over the next three months, the telephone still remained the most popular method
of enquiry, at approximately 1000 queries.

Meanwhile, the number of enquires made in person saw considerable growth to 800, surpassing the
figures for emails and postal enquires. From March to June, enquires in person were the most
common method of inquiry. By June, the number of in person enquires soared by more than 1,000 to
peak at 1,900. During this period, there was also a significant rise in the figure for telephone enquiries,
from 1000 to 1600. By contrast, fewer people sent emails or letters to make enquires, with slightly
less than 400 enquires in May and June.


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