
HomeIELTS WritingWriting VocabularyLesson 17: Travel – Writing Band 8

Lesson 17: Travel – Writing Band 8

Lesson 17: Travel

  1. countryside – the land and scenery of a rural area.
  2. destination – the place that someone or something is going to
  3. effect – a change that is caused by an event, action etc
  4. inhabitant – a person or an animal that lives in a particular place
  5. itinerary – a detailed plan or route of a journey
  6. journey – a trip, esp. over a long period or a great distance
  7. landscape – everything you can see when you look across a large area of land
  8. luggage – the cases, bags etc that you carry when you are travelling
  9. peak – the highest, strongest, or best point, value, or level of skill
  10. trend – general tendency or direction
  11. village – a group of houses and other buildings that is smaller than a town, usually in the countryside
  12. adventurous – willing to take risks or to try out new methods, ideas, or experiences
  13. budget – estimate of the amount of money that can be spent for different purposes in a given time
  14. breath-taking – very exciting, impressive or surprising
  15. coastal – near the coast
  16. cosmopolitan – containing people and things from many different parts of the world
  17. diverse – including many different types of people or things
  18. luxurious – very comfortable and expensive
  19. mountainous – having a lot of mountains
  20. picturesque – (esp. of a place) attractive in appearance
  21. quaint – attractive because of being unusual and especially old-fashioned
  22. remote – far away in distance or time
  23. rough – approximate, bumpy
  24. rural – happening in or relating to the countryside, not the city
  25. scenic – surrounded by views of beautiful countryside
  26. stunning – extremely beautiful or attractive
  27. tough – strong; not easily broken or made weaker or defeated
  28. unspoilt – a beautiful place which has not changed for a long time and does not have a lot of new buildings
  29. urban – of or in a city or town
  30. affect – to have an influence on someone or something
  31. fluctuate – to change or vary frequently between one level or thing and another

Some questions asked in previous IELTS Writing Paper that you would be able to write with the help of the vocabulary in this lesson:

  1. . In many countries people tend to move overseas or move to a different part of their country after their retirement. Discuss why they do so and what the outcome of this situation is. Provide specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.
  2. Some people prefer to use energy-saving modes of transportation like hybrid cars and bicycles. Others prefer the usual mode of transportation like buses and trains because it is fast and efficient. Which mode of transportation do you prefer and why? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.
  3. Low-price airlines lack most of the conveniences of normal air plane flights. However, the prices of the tickets are usually lower. Discuss negative and positive aspects of having lower rates of air plane tickets for travellers. Provide specific reasons and examples to support your response.
  4. Is it good for families if parents need to travel a lot in their job or if they need to move to other cities? Is moving to a new location positive for children? Discuss your opinion and support it with specific reasons and examples.


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