
HomeIELTS WritingWriting VocabularyLesson 2: Business – Writing Band 8 Vocabulary

Lesson 2: Business – Writing Band 8 Vocabulary

Lesson 2: Business

  1. boss – manager; the person who is in charge of an organization and who tells others what to do
  2. campaign – a plan consisting of a number of activities directed toward the achievement of an aim
  3. career – the job or series of jobs that you do during your working life
  4. clerk – a person who works in an office, dealing with records or performing general office duties
  5. colleague – someone you work with
  6. credibility – the fact that someone can be believed or trusted
  7. employee – someone who is paid to work for someone else
  8. goods – things for sale, or the things that you own
  9. job satisfaction – the feeling of pleasure and achievement which you experience in your job when you know that your work is worth doing
  10. labourer – a person who does physical work, especially outdoors
  11. manual worker – a worker who does physical work
  12. manual work – work involving the hands, as opposed to an office job, for example
  13. niche – a job, position, or place that is very suitable for someone
  14. occupation – a person’s job
  15. overtime – time worked in addition to your usual job hours
  16. perk – an advantage
  17. profession – any type of work, esp. one that needs a high level of education or a particular skill
  18. prospects – the possibility of being successful, especially at work
  19. qualification – an ability, characteristic, or experience that makes you suitable for a particular job or activity
  20. retirement – the act of leaving your job and stopping working, usually because you are old
  21. share – one of the equal parts that the ownership of a company is divided into, and that can be bought by members of the public
  22. shift work – a system in which different groups of workers work somewhere at different times of the day and night
  23. supervisor – a person whose job is to supervise someone or something
  24. takeover – a situation in which a company gets control of another company by buying enough of its shares
  25. wages – the money earned by an employee, esp. when paid for the hours worked
  26. casual – not regular or fixed
  27. demanding – needing a lot of time, attention, or energy
  28. hospitality – the act of being friendly and welcoming to guests and visitors:
  29. monotonous – not changing and therefore boring
  30. retail – the activity of selling goods to the public, usually in shops
  31. endorse – to state publicly that you approve of or support someone or something
  32. invest (in) – to spend money on something which you believe will make a profit
  33. shelf stacker – shelf filler; someone whose job is to put goods on the shelves in a supermarket
  34. redundant – having lost your job because your employer no longer needs you
  35. next to nothing – very little; hardly anything; almost nothing
  36. workplace – a building or room where people perform their jobs, or these places generally
  37. cosmetics – substances that you put on your face or body that are intended to improve your appearance
  38. skincare – things that you do and use to keep your skin healthy and attractive
  39. dermatologist – a doctor who studies and treats skin diseases
  40. invaluable – extremely useful
  41. work ethic – the belief that work is morally good

Some questions asked in previous IELTS Writing Paper that you would be
able to write with the help of the vocabulary in this lesson:

  1. Do you think businesses should hire employees who will spend their entire lives working for the company?
    Explain why do you agree or disagree.
    Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.
  2. Countries should restrict foreign companies from opening offices and factories in order to protect local businesses.
    Do you agree or disagree?
    Give reasons and specific examples to explain your answer.
  3. People are more aware of fashion nowadays and it continues to be a huge business, with a lot of advertising involved and millions of dollars of being paid to models.
    Discuss whether this is a good or bad trend.
    Provide specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.
  4. Countries should restrict foreign companies from opening offices and factories in order to protect local businesses.
    Do you agree or disagree?


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