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Talk about a time - search results

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Talk about your hobby (Playing the piano)

Talk about your hobby – (Playing the piano)

“Talk about your hobby” is a topic that appear on the IELTS test. The interviewer can also bring up this topic during a college entrance...
Talk about your hobby (Listening to music)

Talk about your hobby – (Listening to music)

"Talk about your hobby" is a topic that appear on the IELTS test. The interviewer can also bring up this topic during a college...
Talk about your future plan 

Talk about your future plan 

In IELTS Speaking Part 2, candidates will be asked about the topic of future plans. Here is a sample post on this topic. Talk about...
 Describe a person that you enjoy spending time with

Describe a person that you enjoy spending time with 

“Describe a person that you enjoy spending time with” belongs to the topic group “Describe a person” which is a very popular topic in...
Talk about your daily routines (Full Test)

Talk about your daily routines (Full Test)

If the examiner asked you about “daily routines”, how would you answer? Surely, you will manage easily because there is no difficulty in talking...

Talk about your favorite sport (Football)

Describe your favorite sport You should say: What is the sport? How did you first know about it? How often do you practice this sport? Explain why you like...
Talk about a football team you like

Talk about a football team you like

Talk about a football team you like – IELTS Speaking topic belongs to Sport topic, one of the very familiar topics, appearing often in...
Describe a time when you helped a child (Part 2/3)

Describe a time when you helped a child (Part 2/3)

Describe a time when you helped a child You should say: When it wasHow you helped him/herWhy you helped him/her And how you felt about it. Take-note When...
Talk about your hometown

Talk about your hometown | Speaking Part 1 + 2 + 3

Talk about your hometown – a very familiar topic and appears often in the IELTS Speaking test. Speaking Part 1: Talk about your hometown 1. Let’s...
Talk about your favorite singer

Talk about your favorite singer 

“Talk about your favorite singer” is a question that often appears in IELTS SPEAKING PART 2. Cue card 1 : Talk about your favorite singer You...

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