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HomeIELTS WritingWriting Task 1Writing Task 1: The use of water by four different countries

Writing Task 1: The use of water by four different countries

Recent Actual Test 06/2023

The table below shows water use for different purposes in four countries. The use of water by four different countries (%)

Sample Answer: Band 8

The table illustrates how four distinct countries consumed water for three purposes.

Overall, Egypt and Saudi Arabia allocated the majority of water resources to agriculture while New Zealand and Canada did so for industrial purposes. It was also evident that domestic water consumption remained relatively low among all countries.

Regarding Egypt, just over four-fifths of water was utilized agriculturally, while industrial and domestic consumption both stood at below 10%. A relatively similar pattern could be observed in Saudi Arabia, as agricultural usage constituted 64%, double the figure for industry, leaving domestic use with a mere 6%.

In contrast, Canada distributed most of its water consumption, 70%, to industrial activities, which was more than triple the percentage for residential usage and seven times as high as that for agricultural purposes. Concerning New Zealand, industry and agriculture had relatively similar shares, at around 45% each, compared to 10% allotted to the domestic sector.

(152 words)


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