
HomeIELTS WritingWriting Task 2Writing Task 2: Some students take one year off between finishing high...

Writing Task 2: Some students take one year off between finishing high school and going to university, in order to travel or to work.

Some students take one year off between finishing high school and going to university, in order to travel or to work.

What are the advantages and disadvantages?

Sample Answer:

It has become common to see some high school graduates take a gap year for travel and work purposes before they apply to university. While there are some upsides to taking a year off upon high school graduation, it is not without its downsides.
To start, there are some clear advantages of taking a gap year for travelling and working as a high school graduate. Regarding travelling, this experience helps them become more mature by broadening their outlook on life and enjoying more independence. A break from academic life and its pressures is one other favorable aspect of an academic leave. Having studied for eleven consecutive years, most students tend to grow bored and tired of rigorous academic routine. Hence, students taking a gap year have the chance to enjoy some free time and return with a fresh mind. As for the work aspect of this decision, they can earn some money, which enables them to afford a better education for themselves. Experience they gain from working also helps make better academic and career decisions in the long-term.
Despite that, one should not be dismissive of some possible drawbacks of taking a gap year after school graduation. The most evident downside is perhaps the fact that their academic life will suffer as a result of academic absence. Students who put their studies on hold tend to have difficulties catching up with their peers later on. This is even more so in the case of university education seeing as courses taught at universities tend to be more comprehensive and complex, which can present a challenge to the student. Adding to this point is the fact that most students who take a gap year lose interest in pursuing tertiary education. This is because once they gain some independence after earning money, they develop a false sense of financial security, which kills their interest in learning.

In conclusion, while the main advantages of a gap year for travel and work are personal development and a fresh mind as well as better academic prospects, drawbacks range from academic challenges to a lack of interest in education.

352 words,


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