
HomeIELTS SpeakingSpeaking Part 2-AudioDescribe a time when someone didn’t tell you the whole truth about...

Describe a time when someone didn’t tell you the whole truth about something

Describe a time when someone didn’t tell you the whole truth about something

You should say:

  • When this happened
  • What the situation was
  • Who you were with
  • And explain why the person didn’t tell the whole truth.

Sample answer :

So I’m going to talk about a time when my brother told me a half-truth that just happened recently actually.

My brother is a trickster who is able to lie without blinking an eye. Three months ago, he told me that he was super broke and asked to “borrow” some cash to pay for the air ticket that he already booked. Empathizing with his situation, I decided to give him the benefit of the doubt and gave him some money without asking him to pay me back because, you know, he is family and also jobless. He was thankful and brought me a bunch of gifts from his trip. I was quite happy as I thought my brother had finally grown up and became a more mature person. How naive I was!

During the next family gathering, I brought up the story to my parents, praising my brother for his maturity. My mom’s face dropped and she immediately looked at my brother in disbelief. It turned out that my brother only told me half of the truth. He was really in desperate need for some cash, but he asked both my mom and I, received money from both of us and ended up with twice the amount he needed. The ending was predictable: two hours of being scolded and grounded for one month. I was neither surprised nor sorry for him. He reaped what he sowed, you know.

IELTS Speaking Part 3

1. When is it acceptable to lie?

Suggestions :

  • Lies with good intentions: doctors lie to patents.
  • White lie: harmless or trivial lie, avoid hurting feelings. 3. Half truth: statement that conveys half of the truth.

I believe lies, white lies or half-truths, are acceptable acts when they are done with good intentions, be it providing comfort or avoiding hurting feelings. A boyfriend, for example, can choose to tell a white lie and tell his girl she looks beautiful in those new expensive jeans. A doctor can choose to tell a dying cancer patent that he has more time to live to put the patent’s mind at ease.

2. What do you think about the fact that everybody has lied at least once?

Suggestions :

  • It represents our self-centered nature → everyone wants a perfect image in front of others.
  • There is a thin line between the advantages and disadvantages of lying. Some people only lie because they have good intentions.

I believe lying is part of our nature, as everybody wants to keep a perfect image in front of others. In other words, nobody wants to expose their flaws or weaknesses, so they decide to cover them up with lies. Therefore, the fact that everybody has lied at least once, to me, just makes us more human.

3. When is it acceptable to lie?

Suggestions :

  • Lies with good intentions: doctors lie to patents.
  • White lie: harmless or trivial lie, avoid hurting feelings. 3. Half truth: statement that conveys half of the truth.

I believe lies, white lies or half-truths, are acceptable acts when they are done with good intentions, be it providing comfort or avoiding hurting feelings. A boyfriend, for example, can choose to tell a white lie and tell his girl she looks beautiful in those new expensive jeans. A doctor can choose to tell a dying cancer patent that he has more time to live to put the patent’s mind at ease.

4. What do you think about the fact that everybody has lied at least once?

Suggestions :

  • It represents our self-centered nature → everyone wants a perfect image in front of others.
  • There is a thin line between the advantages and disadvantages of lying. Some people only lie because they have good intentions.

I believe lying is part of our nature, as everybody wants to keep a perfect image in front of others. In other words, nobody wants to expose their flaws or weaknesses, so they decide to cover them up with lies. Therefore, the fact that everybody has lied at least once, to me, just makes us more human.


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