- One of the most important reasons is our consumer and materialistic culture.
- Products are not made to last.
- As the prices have decreased thanks to mass production, if something breaks, we throw it away and buy a new one.
- Advertisers are also to blame:
- We are persuaded to follow the latest trend. Clothes which have been worn only a few times and gadgets that are still perfectly usable are discarded because of what the fashion dictates.
- They create demand for things we do not need.
- Most foodstuff is sold in non-biodegradable packaging.
- People do not recycle.
- When population rises, the demand for manufactured products grows, which in turn increases waste.
- Companies should make goods that last longer.
- They should not use so much packaging, or at least use biodegradable kinds.
- We should not be brainwashed by advertisers and buy what we do not need.
- Households should separate waste so that a part of it could be recycled.
- More collection banks for glass, paper and plastic bottles need to be established.
- People need to be educated and informed about the advantages of recycling and the threats of having countless landfills.
- Consumers need to avoid purchasing over- packaged products.
- We should reconsider our consumption habits and only buy what we think is necessary and useful.
3. EFFECTS of Landfills
- Methane gas is produced during the process of organic matter decay. It is 20 times more effective than carbon dioxide in trapping solar radiation and causing global warming.
- Landfills seriously impact air quality in their vicinity.
- A huge percentage of landfill toxins infiltrate the soil, reach waterways, and eventually end up in the domestic water and the foods that we consume, causing many diseases.
- Landfills render the soil and land where they are located unusable. It also destroys the adjacent soil because the toxic chemicals spread into the surrounding soil, upsetting the land ecosystems.
- Landfill gases, together with a substantial amount of landfill waste, can easily start a fire.