IELTS Speaking Part 1 “Puzzles” is a topic that often appears in IELTS Speaking.

1. Did you like puzzles when you were a child?
Well, I have to admit that puzzles were not engaging to me enough when I was a kid, so unfortunately I did not do puzzles at all, but eventually, when I grew up, I finally understood how puzzles can be appealing to people.
2. How often do you do puzzles?
To be honest, I often do puzzles like crosswords once a week. You know, I sometimes opt for a game that can rack my brain, like crosswords, because I want to challenge myself more.
3. What type of puzzles do you enjoy doing?
There are a lot of types for puzzle, such as word puzzle and number puzzle. However, I find word puzzles to be way easier than number puzzles, so I would say I enjoy the former more than the latter. You know, number puzzles are harder to figure out from my perspective, and I don’t really understand the trick to this game, let alone solve it.
4. Do you think it is good for children to do puzzles?
Absolutely! Because when youngsters do puzzles, then it could bring a lot of benefits to those people. For example, it could improve their memorization ability and possibly their critical thinking sense.
5. Are puzzles nowadays different from puzzles in the past?
I don’t think Puzzles has made any significant changes. Perhaps it has been expanded to a greater variety of games, but the core thing hasn’t changed, such as the way it racks our brains.