
HomeIELTS WritingWriting VocabularyLesson 7: Fuels & Energy – Writing Band 8 Vocabulary

Lesson 7: Fuels & Energy – Writing Band 8 Vocabulary

Lesson 7: Fuels & Energy

  1. biofuel – a fuel that is made from living things or their waste
  2. crisis – a time of great disagreement, confusion, or suffering
  3. fossil fuel – a fuel such as gas, coal, and oil that has been produced in the earth from plants and animals
  4. hybrid – a vehicle with an engine that uses both petrol and another type of energy, usually electricity
  5. petrol – a liquid obtained from petroleum, used especially as a fuel for cars and other vehicles
  6. resource – something that can be used to help you
  7. turbine – a type of machine through which liquid or gas flows and turns a special wheel with blades in order to produce power
  8. disposable – intended to be thrown away after use
  9. drastic – (of a change) severe and sudden; extreme
  10. rechargeable – able to be recharged
  11. unleaded – (of gasoline (= a fuel)) not containing lead (= a metal)
  12. conserve – to keep and protect something from damage, change, or waste
  13. counter – to do something in order to prevent something bad from happening or to reduce its bad effects
  14. deplete – to reduce something in size or amount, especially supplies of energy, money, etc.
  15. emit – to send out a beam, noise, smell, or gas
  16. expend – to use or spend time, effort, or money
  17. outweigh – to be greater or more important than something else
  18. offset – counteract (something) by having an equal and opposite force or effect.
  19. make up for something – to compensate for something bad with something good
  20. tidy up – to clean and put things in a room in their proper place
  21. forth – going out from a place or point, and moving forwards or outwards
  22. clutter – a state of being untidy
  23. needlessly – in a way that is not necessary
  24. zap – to cook or heat something in a microwave
  25. tumble dryer – a machine that uses hot air to dry clothes after they have been washed
  26. round trip – a trip from one place to another and back to where you started
  27. myth – a commonly believed but false idea
  28. flick something on/off – to move a switch in order to make electrical equipment start/stop working
  29. windmill – a structure with parts that turn around in the wind, used for producing electrical power or crushing grain
  30. supplies – food and other ordinary goods needed by people every day
  31. commonplace – ordinary; happening or seen frequently
  32. diesel – a type of heavy oil used as fuel
  33. lexical – relating to words
  34. abuzz – filled with noise and activity
  35. hurdle – a problem that you have to deal with before you can make progress
  36. derivative – having qualities taken from something else
  37. ponder – to think carefully about something
  38. advocate – someone who publicly supports something
  39. premise – to base an argument or theory on
  40. appraisal – an act of assessing something or someone
  41. derived – coming from or caused by something else
  42. rapeseed – canola; a plant with yellow flowers from which oil and animal food are produced
  43. burden – a load, typically a heavy one
  44. disruption – an interruption in the usual way that a system, process, or event works
  45. immense – extremely large in size or degree
  46. sobering – making you feel serious
  47. wean – (1) to accustom (a child or young animal) to food other than its mother’s milk. (2) to withdraw a person from some object or habit.
  48. ongoing – continuing to exist, happen, or develop
  49. destruction – the process of causing so much damage to something
  50. conservationist – someone who works to protect animals, plants etc
  51. dire – very serious or extreme
  52. prospect – (1) possibility (2) a good view of a large land area
  53. fleet – a number of buses, aircraft, etc. under the control of one person or organization
  54. algae – very simple, usually small plants that grow in or near water and do not have ordinary leaves or roots
  55. order of magnitude – the approximate size of something, especially a number
  56. entrepreneur – someone who makes money by starting their own business
  57. scheme – a plan or system for doing or organizing something
  58. feat – achievement
  59. dim – not bright, lacking light, being weak.
  60. not go anywhere – to make no progress at all

Some questions asked in previous IELTS Writing Paper that you would be able to write with the help of the vocabulary in this lesson:

  1. Some people prefer to use energy-saving modes of transportation like hybrid cars and bicycles. Others prefer the usual mode of transportation like buses and trains because it is fast and efficient.
    Which mode of transportation do you prefer and why?
    Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.
  2. Low-price airlines lack most of the conveniences of normal air plane flights. However, the prices of the tickets are usually lower.
    Discuss negative and positive aspects of having lower rates of air plane tickets for travellers.
    Provide specific reasons and examples to support your response.


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