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HomeIELTS WritingWriting Task 1Writing Task 1: The Diagram Below Shows the Process for Recycling Plastic...

Writing Task 1: The Diagram Below Shows the Process for Recycling Plastic Bottles

The diagram below shows the process for recycling plastic bottles.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

How plastic bottles are recycled

Sample Essay 1

The diagram illustrates how plastic bottles are recycled.

Overall, the recycling of plastic bottles is a man-made, cyclical process that consists of use, collection, sorting, crushing, cleaning, pelletizing, making new plastic products, and reuse.

After plastic bottles are used, they are discarded in recycling bins, waiting for trucks to transport them to a recycling plant. Once there, they are sorted and those that can be reused are compressed into blocks. The blocks are then broken down by a crushing machine into small pieces, which are subsequently cleaned to remove any residue.

The small clean pieces produced in the last stage are then poured into a machine where they are turned into pellets. The machine also heats and melts the pellets, which creates plastic raw material. Finally, the raw material is made into different plastic products, including pens, bottles, and reusable shopping bags. After these products are used, they go through the recycling process all over again.

156 words

Sample Essay 2

The yielded diagram reveals the stages in plastic bottles recycling.

Overall, it can be seen that this is a cyclone process; plastic bottles recycling has various stages, from collecting the plastic to making products.

In the first stage, collect plastic bottles from dustbin thrown by a citizen, this work is done by trucks or lorry. In the third stage, the collected bottles sort in the recycling centre by labour. In the next stage, those bottles are recyclable, and those make into blocks by compressing and later crushed by a machine. As a result, they turn into plastic pieces that wash in water.

In the sixth stage, for producing plastic pellets grinding washed plastic pieces after that yield specific heat. In the eighth stage, it becomes row material which uses for producing plastic items or other products such as a t-shirt. After this stage, people throw the product into the dustbin after usage, and the later process is the same.

159 words


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