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HomeIELTS SpeakingSpeaking Part 1IELTS Speaking Part 1: Topic Library 

IELTS Speaking Part 1: Topic Library 

In the IELTS Speaking test, the topic of “Library” is one of the common topics, so it is important to prepare carefully for vocabulary as well as ideas for answers.

IELTS Speaking: Topic Library – Part 1

Do you often visit a library?

Well, yes, I do. My university provides free library services to students. I don’t have to pay anything so I go to my university’s library at least once a week to borrow books or study there. Sometimes I go more frequently, especially when I have a lot of research to do. On the other hand, there are weeks when I don’t go at all if I don’t have anything urgent to work on.

What books or materials do you often read in a library?

There are a lot of sections in the library catalogue but my favorite section is science and technology. I find it fascinating to learn about the latest advancements in science and technology, and the library is a great place to borrow books on these topics.

Do you prefer to borrow books from a library or buy them?

It depends on the situation. If it’s a book I know I’ll read more than once, I’ll probably buy it so I can keep it. But if it’s something like a reference book I just have to read once, I’ll borrow it from the library to save money.

What do you think about libraries?

I think libraries are fantastic resources for communities. They provide access to information and education for everyone. There are also many different sections available, such as books, magazines, and newspapers, which can be useful for research. Moreover, they’re ideal places to focus and be productive or just to escape from the real world for a little while.



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