
HomeIELTS WritingWriting Task 1Pie Charts #26: The different types of courses, which were followed by...

Pie Charts #26: The different types of courses, which were followed by the students during the years

Task 01: Pie chart

The pie charts below show the different types of courses, which were followed by the students during the years of 1984, 1994 and 2004.

Sample Answer:

The pie charts give details about the different types of courses that students studied in 1984, 1994, and 2004.

Overall, it can be seen that the most common mode of studying was via face to face courses, while online courses were the least common way to study. It is also noted that in 1984 online courses were not available.

In 1984, 67% of all students studied via face to face courses, while 20% studied via correspondence, and 13% mixed media courses. Online courses were not available at the time. 10 years later, studying face to face courses was slightly less popular, at 54%, while the percentage of students studying by correspondence remained at 20%.15% of students studied mixed media courses and 11% of students were now studying via the internet.

Studying face to face continued to become less popular by 2004, with 40% of students choosing that mode of study, while mixed media courses were becoming far more popular, at 35%. Studying online and by correspondence had both decreased in popularity also, reaching 10% and 15% respectively.

(178 words)


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